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Today at 6:22

you're weird as fuck :

(713)-638-2528: good morning..?

why did you just hang up? :

(713)-638-2528: you were asleep for hours??

(713)-638-2528: at least i didn't hang up until the morning?

i guess :

(713)-638-2528: did that wake you up?

yes that DOOT DOOT DOOT woke me up :

(713)-638-2528: that's not even the sound it makes when someone hangs up a facetime

yes it is :

(713)-638-2528: you have class today?

my first class is in an hour and a half :

and i have an essay due in the class today too :

(713)-638-2528: what's the class?

clinical microbiology.... :

(713)-638-2528: oh i know you're sick

(713)-638-2528: a bitch like me would've just paid someone to write it

you didn't go to college at all? :

(713)-638-2528: i already told you i like change

(713)-638-2528: i can never sit in one place too long

the way you speak let's me know you're a :

(713)-638-2528: well we know you're an expert on cheaters

(713)-638-2528: my bad let me stop

(713)-638-2528: do you want me to call you again tonight?

tonight's my date night so no 🤭 :

im gonna need a whole day to recover you :
won't hear from me until tomorrow night after this ifykyk

(713)-638-2528: i could've gone my whole life without that information 🤢

(713)-638-2528: i hope you're using a condom

(713)-638-2528: shit if i was you i would be getting tested weekly

(713)-638-2528: biweekly

(713)-638-2528: daily

you're doing too much :

and of course who wants to be pregnant at 19 :

(713)-638-2528: that's not the only reason but we move

(713)-638-2528: i have to go to work soon i can't talk much longer

what do you wear to work? :

(713)-638-2528: regular business casual clothes??

like what? do you wear dresses? :

(713)-638-2528: i don't like to i have too much body

(713)-638-2528: creepy office guys aren't really my thing

are you lying? :

(713)-638-2528: do you want to see my ass or something??? 🤨

(713)-638-2528: look like an ig model walk with a waddle body shaped like a coke bottle 😛

(713)-638-2528: you can grab it if you want

... i almost just gagged :

i'm so good on that thanks :

(713)-638-2528: oh so i can grab yours?!

fuck no :

(713)-638-2528: why not?


(713)-638-2528: i promise you my grabbing your ass is the least of his worries 😭

(713)-638-2528: that nigga would probably give me his blessing

well you don't have my blessing :

(713)-638-2528: you'll change your mind when we're in person

i doubt it :

(713)-638-2528: we'll just have to see in a couple days won't we

(713)-638-2528: i'm probably either going to fly in hours before or after y'all idk

why don't you just fly to us and we can all fly to : miami together??

(713)-638-2528: you want to see me so baddd

(713)-638-2528: but i don't fuck with y'all enough to buy two different tickets instead of flying straight from chicago to miami

when i see you i'm gonna punch you square in :
the face

(713)-638-2528: is that a promise 😩

oh bye. :

(713)-638-2528: 😭😭 i have to go to work anyway

(713)-638-2528: i'll text you when i get off if you don't respond i'll know you're on your date already


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