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I hate to say it but I was going to steal Onika. Nayvadius probably won't even notice.

I'm not sure he knows she's his girlfriend.

The way he talks to her pisses me off. It always seems like he's dismissing her and she just goes for it.

What type of boyfriend doesn't kiss or hug his fine ass girlfriend before he leaves? He's asking for someone to take her.

She needs someone like me.

Right now, we were at the car rental place and he couldn't stop flirting with the woman helping us.

"Here. Take my number down, maybe you can show me some cool spots around here before I go." He makes me sick.

This girl was supposed to be working and instead, she's getting this niggas number.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Maybe not tonight." Because he's going out with his girlfriend. "Just text me and I'll let you know."

"Okay, cool." She smiled and handed me the keys to the rental. "Enjoy."

I took the keys and went to the car without saying anything, I didn't have anything to say.

While he continued talking to her, I looked around the car. It was nice.

Kelly wanted someone luxurious looking and I needed something to fit all of us so I rented a black Range Rover. Anything for her.

Nayvadius got into the car smiling. "Let's go get some food."

"From where?" I'm hungry from the flight.

"We're in Miami, let's get Hatian food."

"Find a place."

He found the closest place and I followed the GPS directions there.

We got there and guess what? He was in another bitches face before he could even order anything.

I ordered and paid for both of our meals because he couldn't step away for even a second.

I was sitting down at the table waiting for the door to be ready when he sat down across from me. "I need a favor."

"What?" I already didn't want to do it.

"Can you just chill in the car for a little so I can handle something."

"Handle something like what?"

He smirked, "Something like Jayla."

"You do realize your girlfriend is at a house waiting for your dumbass, right?"

"Nigga, we're on vacation. In Miami. Have you seen the hoes out here? They're different."

"The hoes? You have a girlfriend."

"Look at her." He sickly pointed in the direction of a girl who was already looking at us.

She was cute. Very. But that doesn't matter, he has a girlfriend.

"Look at your girlfriend. Watch, it's going to be me and her in your bed fucking if you don't get your act together."

"I don't give a fuck what you do, are you going to wait in the car or no?"

I scoffed, "Fine." I hate guys like him.

He got up and left with the girl, all I could do was shake my head.

After they called my order number, I got my food and went to the car to wait.

While I was in the car eating, I got a text from Onika.

Onika 🍑: what are you guys up to??

ask him :

Onika 🍑: i'm asking you

don't :

Onika 🍑: the attitude??

sorry my bad :

Onika 🍑: what are you guys doing?

eating :

Onika 🍑: without me?

i'll bring you some bae don't worry :

Onika 🍑: stop calling me that

you should be glad someone is :

do yourself a favor and be with me :

or at least just enjoy your vacation with me :

Onika 🍑: you know i can't do that

but why :

Onika 🍑: why are you all of a sudden trying so hard to convince me to be with you

i always am :

Onika 🍑: what is he doing?

huh? :

Onika 🍑: what is he doing that's making you want me to leave him so bad

Onika 🍑: more than usual

nothing :

Onika 🍑: you're lying

my whole thing is if you already know how he is :
why stay?

the way he talks to you is.. gross and you know :
you deserve better

Onika 🍑: okay so when i see you i'm beating you ass

😭😭😭 :

onika do you not remember how you ran away :
from me???

Onika 🍑: just wait.

i'm going just going to start humping you watch :

Onika 🍑: yuck

i was just feeling all on your ass now it's yuck? :

Onika 🍑: i only let you do that because we had an agreement

so if i tried to when i get back you wouldn't let :

it was clear you liked it :

Onika 🍑: i didn't like anything.

okay keep denying it until i'm in your face and :
you're stuttering again

i- bey- just fuck me already baby 😩 :

Onika 🍑: the delusion 😭😭

the way you act over text and the way you act :
in person are completely different

you're ready to beat my ass over text but :
running and stuttering when we're in person

Onika 🍑: okay just watch what i do when you get back.

bet :

Onika 🍑: we're about to go explore the area but i'll talk to you later

bye baby :

Onika 🍑: ...


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