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Today 5:58 PM

nigga get the fuck off my phone and i'm so :
serious stop calling me

Nayvadius <3: if you don't want to talk then i'm coming over simple as that

you must be out of your dicksucking ass :

Nayvadius <3: bro

how many times have i told you to stop calling :
me your fucking bro over the past couple years?

i'm not your fucking bro :

Nayvadius <3: mb

Nayvadius <3: just call me please i need to talk to you

Nayvadius <3: it's the least you could do after i paid for all that shit

it's the LEAST i could do? after all the shit :
you did to me paying for my hair and nails was really the least your pitiful ass could do

and i didn't even ask you to do that :
you chose to do that

you didn't even put this much effort in :
when we were in a relationship nigga
please 😭

go be up under the bitches you wanted to :
be with so bad

Nayvadius <3: i don't want to be with anybody but you rn

i'm sitting here laughing because you're :
so full of shit

go check on your baby mama 😭 :

Nayvadius <3: there's no baby i keep telling you that

how do you know that? i mean you fucked :
her right?

not even once you had that bitch on a :
schedule 😭

sick ass nigga ew this just pissed me off :
all over again i'm blocking you

I rolled my eyes and blocked him before I started to actually get mad. He's so fucking weird.

Ever since we got back from Miami, he's been trying to get back together. He didn't take me seriously at first and assumed I would end up forgiving him but when I didn't, he started to panic.

He's been buying me stuff and sending me money, ordering random flowers and shit to my apartment, and texting and calling me constantly.

I don't care, I'm using the fuck out of that man. I deserve it after everything I've gone through.

I made him pay for my hair and nails today just because I felt like it and now he feels like I owe him something.

For the first time in so long, he's actually acting like he wants me. But he's too late, even I have my limits.

After I blocked him, I put my phone down and went to sleep. I was going to take a nap before he started blowing up my phone, and he wasn't going to ruin that for me.

Before I could even get into a deep sleep, I heard the front door open. Now, that could've been Kelly but I couldn't be sure.

When the door to my room opened, I rolled my eyes. "You have fifteen seconds before I call the police."

"It's not breaking and entering if you gave me a key. I just want to talk, that's it." He had the nerve to take his shoes off and sit on my bed.

"No. I don't even want to hear what you have to say because there's no way you think I'm going to take you back after you cheated on me daily and got someone else pregnant?"

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