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Today 11:11 PM

Onika 🍑: i'm bored

Onika 🍑: and sorry

oh i thought i was blocked? :

Onika 🍑: i said i'm sorry

oh okay :

bye :

Onika 🍑: bye???

this is an annoying cycle :

you get mad i talk about him, you get mad and :
stop talking to me for a little, then you decide you want to talk again and i'm just supposed to keep going for that?

bye :

Onika 🍑: wym bye?

how many definitions does bye have? :

i'll talk to you in miami :

Onika 🍑: i said i was sorry

stay sorry? idc :

you're upset at the wrong person stop taking :
your anger out on me when i'm not the one cheating on you and fucking you over

you love that nigga so much go text him :

Onika 🍑: ... 🫤

Onika 🍑: i said i'm sorry

i heard you the first two times :

Onika 🍑: but i really am sorry

i heard you :

Onika 🍑: i didn't mean to be mean

okay :

Onika 🍑: he was the one making me mad not you

obviously because i didn't do shit :

Onika 🍑: can you please accept my apology

if i can grab it when i see you 😏 :

Onika 🍑: ... no

okay then fuck you and i'm bodyslamming you :
when i see you ho

Onika 🍑: 😐

choke on his dick and die :

Onika 🍑: oh wowwwww????????? you're sick

Onika 🍑: i said i'm sorry

i told you i'll accept your apology under one :

Onika 🍑: you can put your hand on it but you can't grab it

just let me grab it like you know you want me to :

im not a man it's not going to be like you're :
being groped

Onika 🍑: okay

Onika 🍑: but in private not in front of anybody

😁 :

cool :

Onika 🍑: so we're good now?

for now :

Onika 🍑: you're gonna buy me alcohol with your id miss 21?

i already said i'm not buying children anything :

Onika 🍑: you're only two years older than me first of all

well i'm still not buying you shit :

Onika 🍑: just wait until we see each other

Onika 🍑: how was your flight?

shit :

i'm just glad to be in the comfort of my own :

Onika 🍑: only for a day then you're going to be sleeping in a bnb with kelly

even better :

Onika 🍑: are you excited to see your little best friend?

big kells not the little one first of all :

but yes i am excited to see my bestie 😁 :

Onika 🍑: gay ass emoji

for a gay ass girl :

just wait until you start using it too :

Onika 🍑: i highly doubt it

Onika 🍑: peep how you didn't deny she was your gf

i already said she wasn't :

Onika 🍑: how long are you gonna be in chicago for?

at least a couple more months :

i like it here im even starting to pick up on the :

yo ahh tweakin on foenem :

Onika 🍑: ohhh girlllll 😭😭

on gangnem :

Onika 🍑: bitches listen to durk and don't know how to act

got her titties done and i'm the reason don't be : ignoring me 🕺

or or :


yeah i need the aux this whole trip idc idc :

Onika 🍑: ny rap >>>

my nigga is from new york :

Onika 🍑: your what???


Onika 🍑: 😹 stop lying

i am lying :

Onika 🍑: ew lying for fun??

you should be used to that by now :

Onika 🍑: ....

anyway :

i'm gonna go to sleep so i can wake up early and get :
some stuff done before my flight to miami

Onika 🍑: can we facetime again?

no i'm still mad at you :

Onika 🍑: but you forgave me

are you about to gts? :

Onika 🍑: i'm half asleep already i probably won't even talk

okay call me :

A second later Onika started Facetimimg me, I let it ring a couple times before answering.

She set the phone up and went straight to sleep without saying a word.


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