10. | A Disturbance

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The car revs to life as the garage door opens

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The car revs to life as the garage door opens. I shift gears before speeding out, speeding down the driveway to the large, silver gates.

I race down the streets, trees covering every path, the distant city lights glowing in the distance. My fingers clutch the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles snow white, as I glare at the road ahead of me.

I was kidnapped and locked in a cell, just for the only outcome to be me ending up in an office, my hands chained and a bandana in my mouth. I was shot at – which I kind of deserved – and the only outcome of my being there was ending up in a fake relationship. Something I don't need.

At least something positive came out of it: I'm going to be eight-hundred grand richer and I have an expensive car. I think it was called something like Ashton Martin? I don't know, and I don't care.

The only thing I could think of, being in that cold, dark cell, was when I was in the dark, tortured and bent to Jeremy's wishes.

"...I must say, you have quite the ravishing body." His voice echoes in my head, my blood boiling. "Pity it can't be used." My breathing piques as I press harder on the gas pedal.

While I was stuck in that cell, I remembered something else. I see flashes of my nursery, of the E on the wall, hear the echoes of a baby crying.

"NO!" I can still hear the echoes of my mom's scream.

I got so lost in my thoughts, I don't notice the man standing in the middle of the road. The scream that was bubbling up in my chest falls from my lips, all my anger, my pain, my frustration leaving with it. I feel a wide relief spread through my chest as a bubble of energy spreads throughout the surrounding area.

Time seems to slow down as the car reaches toward the man. He stands still, unmoving, and I swerve out of the way just in time, the car driving off the side and down into a tree. My head slams against the steering wheel as the car stops, my mind going blank.

 My head slams against the steering wheel as the car stops, my mind going blank

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I sit behind my desk, typing up the contract between me and Blade.

It's peaceful, quiet. Lilly's in her room, most likely reading a book or doing homework. Nik isn't pestering me about a wife and an heir. Alex isn't here to bug me.

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