50. | Loss of Control

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Waking up, I notice where I am

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Waking up, I notice where I am. It looks like a hospital room. Why am I in the hospital?

No one's currently in the room, so I'm lost. There's an incessant beeping, just as before. No, I need to get out.

I rip out the lines and I climb out of the bed, moving to the door. I take small steps. I open the door and walk into the hallway, scanning up and down.

"Grace!" I hear someone yell. I look down the hall, Killian running at me. Before I know it, I'm taking off to meet him halfway. As I reach him, he lifts me into his arms, our mouths colliding.

My eyes fly open.

What the hell was that? Why was I kissing him? And why did it feel so...real?

Looking around, I notice I'm in a room, similar to a hospital. But I don't think it actually is. Killian is beside me, his head laying down on his arms, on the bed. He sleeps peacefully.

How long was I out for?

I tap him on the shoulder. He stirs, flipping his head to me. He has dark rings under his eyes. Now I don't want to wake him up.

The door opens and Ari and Lilly enter the room. Ari smiles and runs toward me. I help her climb onto the bed, shushing her, so she doesn't wake him up. Lilly hands her her tablet and I lower the volume. Ari cuddles up next to me, her pacifier in her mouth.

"Hey, Lilly." I whisper.

She smiles softly. "Hi."

"How are you holding up?"

She lets out a quiet laugh. "I should be asking you that."

"You're not afraid of me, are you?" Her brows furrow.

"Why would I be afraid of you?"

"I tore those men apart." I state. "That didn't scare you?"

She shakes her head. "That man impersonated my father and your brother. They were using us. They hurt us. They got what they had coming for them." She places her hand on mine. "The blood was just...startling."

I give her a small smile, then turn to Killian. I swipe a piece of hair that falls in his face, my touch feather-like.

"You're falling." I turn to Lilly, confused. "I can see it in your eyes."


"In love." My face drops.

I turn away. "I'm not talking about this."

"Why not?"

"Because. I vowed to myself I would never fall in love again. I won't make that same mistake." I stare her dead in the eye.


"I had a boyfriend. I loved him more than life itself. But I made a mistake, and he paid the consequence." I whisper, my voice cracking at the thought. "Sometimes it's all I can think about, all I can dream about."

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