34. | Twenty Vs. One

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I'm sitting on the couch, my arms crossed across my chest and my leg crossed over my opposite knee

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I'm sitting on the couch, my arms crossed across my chest and my leg crossed over my opposite knee. Marcel is across from me, Davina sitting on the same couch.

My eyes narrow at her. "How is it that you, of all people, knew who I was the minute I walked in here?"

"You haven't changed much since I last saw you." She shrugs.

I jerk my head up as I talk. "That was seven years ago."

"Just because you dyed your hair doesn't mean that anyone wouldn't recognize you." She shakes her head at me.

I drop my leg, leaning forward. "My own daughter doesn't recognize me. And you somehow do? I don't believe it for a second."

"You have a daughter?" Marcel cuts in.

I sit back. "That's right. You weren't here after my boyfriend was killed and I regained my humanity."

"I was around."

I huff a laugh, returning to my previous position. "What a horrible excuse."

"What's with the fake accent?" Davina asks.

I turn to her, raising an eyebrow. "You think my accent's fake?" Marcel places a hand on Davina's arm, silently telling her to stop talking. "Your first mistake was thinking that I couldn't have another accent. One I was suppressing."


"It's as easy to switch as it is for me to change my clothes." I hide my accent, my voice coming out clear. I look at Marcel. "You said you'd tell me everything. So start." My accent is back.

He sighs. "It happened a few months after Hope was born. Hayley began to get the same symptoms and she said that something didn't feel right. Her stomach was already growing. We later found out that she was pregnant with you. We didn't know how, or when, it happened, only that you were to be expected."

"Do you know who my mother is? Who my real mother is?" I question.

He shakes his head. "I never met her. But Hayley and Klaus did." He states. "After you were born, you were about a year old? Maybe older. Klaus and Hayley grabbed Hope and you and left New Orleans. No explanation, no supplies, just left."

"We ran because they were hiding me. From my mother." I explain.

He looks at me, shocked. "How do you know that?"

"I saw it." He looks at me in disbelief. "Do you know about the magic I contain? About the powers I had to learn to control? The powers that I still don't have under control?"

"From a young age, you had started showing symptoms. Things would crack when you screamed and cried. Things would tremble, float. Plants were always growing around your window. We had to stop it." He explains.

I sit up straighter. "How?"

He avoids my gaze, ignoring my question.

"Marcel. How did you stop it?" I enunciate, my arms no longer crossed.

One of the Last | Book 3 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now