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It's been a week since the whole fiasco happened

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It's been a week since the whole fiasco happened. Lilly's home, and I'm getting nowhere.

"Why won't you tell me where he is?" I ask Malia, aggravated. She knows where he is. She knows where Killian hid my father.

"This is a suicide mission! I don't know if you remember, but if you die, I die!" She points at me, then her as she talks.

"You're the only one who knows!" I state, the lights flickering.

"And it's going to stay that way!" Then she's gone.

I pace back and forth, my heart racing as panic claws at my chest.

"We'll find him." Angel says.

I shake my head. "No. There's nothing. Malia is the only person who knows and she won't tell me. I can't find him. What if I never find him?" I panic. The lights only get worse.

The door bursts open, Killian running in. He must've noticed the lights.

Before I can think, I have him pinned to the wall. "Where is he?!" I yell.

He grabs my wrist and flips me over. I grunt as he pins me to the wall. "You need to calm down."

I don't listen.

I knee him in the gut before kicking him down. He goes to get up, but I kick him in the face and he falls onto his back. He groans in pain, but I don't stop. I crouch beside him and forcefully grab his face. "Where. Is. He?"


"Does the name Klaus ring any bells?" Fear takes over his face. I look into his eyes and compel him, "Where did you hide Klaus Mikaelson?"

"Winding Forest." He answers.

"Forget this happened. If anyone asks, we had a civil chat and sparred with each other. Leave." He gets up, walking away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Angel hisses. My panic finally settles and I am able to calm myself down. "You are going to get caught." She scowls at me.

"I only need to hold them off until I find my father. Then, I'll deal with them." I respond. But I have a gut feeling I won't make it to him in time.

"You know nothing of the Winding Forest."

"I'll learn." I reply, walking towards the door.

"Evelyn, stop!" She yells, and I sigh before turning to her.

"What?" I question. "You going to lecture me about this Winding Forest?"

"Everytime the forest shifts, you are pulled further and further inside. If you get too far, it will mess with your head in the worst way you could ever imagine, forcing you to relive your nightmares. If you're too far, you'll be lost forever." She explains.

"So how do I make my way through it?"

"You don't. Everyone that's gone inside hasn't ever made it out." She says.

One of the Last | Book 3 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now