77. | Umbra

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Although it was well into the night, Lilly was still awake, bustling around her room

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Although it was well into the night, Lilly was still awake, bustling around her room. She often couldn't sleep, nightmares plaguing her mind.

Though they weren't as intense, they were terrifying nonetheless.

She had already reorganized her desktop, shelves, and nightstands. Trash and miscellaneous items engulfed her bed to the point you could no longer see her comforter.

She cleaned off her bed within thirty minutes, grabbing the last of the books she had needed to put away. They were spellbooks that she had found in Oliver's office.

She spun around but jumped at the sight of Cronos standing in her bedroom with his hands behind his back. Dread pooled in her stomach at the smirk on his face and the tilt of his head.

"Hello, shadow witch." Her books fell as he lifted a single hand into view. She screamed as he snapped, both vanishing in a cloud.

Evelyn laid on her back, sleeping, when her eyes flew open. But her eyes were black with red irises. Strands of her hair transformed into a bloody red around her head.

She was no longer Evelyn.

Her lips curved upwards into a smirk. Then she disappeared.

That morning, Xander burst through the door to Oliver and Evelyn's bedroom. He began to hit Oliver, demanding he get up. "Wake up!"

He jumped. "What? What is it?"

"You need to see this." Oliver's eyebrows furrowed, and he climbed out of bed, following him to his office. The air was cold, goosebumps forming along his exposed skin.

Xander opened the door to his office. They stepped inside and Oliver's chair spun around to face them. "About time." Oliver's eyes widened at the sight of Evelyn in his chair, dressed in a low cut, red gown.


"Oh, let's not get all...emotional." She stood up, her black, close-toed heels clicking against the floor.


"I don't think you realize that I can't just appear." She scrunched her face. "I have to be triggered. And it just so happens that my daughter is currently missing."

"How would that trigger you?"

"Lilly's missing?"

Oliver and Xander both spoke at the same time, throwing a glance at each other. "Lilly and I are connected. It seems when she was taken, her magic must have done something in which it elicited me to reform."

"So, where is she? Evelyn?" Oliver queried.

She rolled her eyes, placing a hand on her hip. "Sleeping. Now, where is Theia?"

"It's Angel." She stood in the doorway.

"Don't care." She said blankly. "Where's Lilly?"

She seemed to hesitate. "Tartarus."

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