s i x -part II

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A/N: Okay so guys, don't murder me or dare me to death, I know that I haven't updated for months and I totally apologize. Maybe because of the reason that I hadn't had any much of an inspiration and everyone without inspiration is just dull, right?

As you can see on the part's title, it said 's i x-part II' because apparently wattpad was being a pain in the ass and malfunctioned so when I published the part, the more than half was DELETED. Do you hear me? DELETED. So that's the reason, my update was short and there's no author's note after the chapter because, well when you technically know me I basically always leave an author's note on EVERY chapter.

And again, I want to thank you all for being such great readers! I wouldn't have reached a 37k and I-don't-have-any-idea votes and comments. It's super endearing to see that you were happy about an amateur author's crappy updates.

So that's all. :-------------) and OH! Before I forget, since I haven't thought about what I should call you all--my readers--so I'm going to make a small contest, it's like you have to make a good name for what I can call you all! Then maybe I'm going to make a prize for the one who'd win.

And lastly, that's ALL. Enjoy the again crappy update :)



I stared at the girls' gowns and mine. They've made my hair, nails and make-up done and the day after the event we went shopping for dresses. I now officially say that we are bridesmaids. Just kidding.

Apparently, I knew you were wondering why I was talking like this. Let me tell you the summary first.

The teacher announced that we would have a 'Senior Week' for this year. It wasn't really that of a significance but hey, it's better to try it out than to be hanging around the house and not doing anything. For the first day, we would have a party, and that's the reason why we're wearing these clothes right now, second, we will have a short tour in a waterpark, next is about another party which is held up on our gym kind of like a more casual-ish and more of a teen thing and at second the last and last day is the exciting part.

WE GET TO PRANK OUR TEACHERS! isn't it the best thing ever? I know that I don't like people being given with such cruelty but everyone could be a little harsh sometimes. Not all students love their teachers as much as the others, who are most likely called 'teacher's pets' which is why they are diminished from the group of seniors doing the prank. Figured that we couldn't use them as strategy and they may end up telling the whole blueprint.

"Are you ready?" Jennifer said, practically to all of us and breaking my inner commotion. We all seem to nod at the same time agreeing that we are ready and held our hands together descending the stairs to meet the limo rented for the party.

I smiled when we reached outside, locking the door and putting the key inside my little purse with extra money and a lipstick before Rick--the driver--opened the door and mirroring our smiles as we enter.

"I know I'm just being stupid but I don't... I'm a little kind of panicking?" I spoke my thoughts out loud. Maybe because of my appearance or I was thinking about what would the people say about me or how I look. I frowned at the thought and seem to bow my head seeming to be interested in the mat on the floor of the limo like it was the most interesting thing ever.

Ashley's lips twitched and replied, "Why would you panic? You are gorgeous, I don't even know how to describe you. To be honest your the prettiest among us four so don't be. I'm actually kind of jealous." The last part only came out as a mutter although I heard it very much clearly. I attentively smiled and held her hand. This is going to be a very long night.

Broken Diary ➸ JaDine [WILL BE EDITED SOON]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt