s e v e n

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A/N: I M P O R T A N T ! ! !

So, I'm sorry I uploaded a day late! I'm busy and I'm having a cheerleading practice and I don't have time for the update but here it is! I'm sorry for letting everyone down :(

So here's my deal, if my fb group reaches 15 members, I'll update the next chapter next week.

Also, I want you to comment what you want me to call you all, the PRIZE is, the winner will get a dedication and he/she can help me make the half of the next next chapter!




The night has gone by faster than I wanted it to be. The thing that disappointed me the most is the second day of 'Senior Week' is already happening right in front of my eyes.

"You were pretty hard to be pushed though." Stated Jennifer that made my blood boil easily. They practically shoved me out of my own house and threw my two-piece bikini on my face then laughed their socks off of how I look like. Idiots.

"I already told you that I don't want to join today!" I whined, even stomping my feet on the marble floor even though I knew that it'll not help. My friends are stubborn and so am I.

"As soon as you've made an honest and appropriate excuse to not attend such fun and wonderful senior's week, I'm not going to let you go ANYWHERE!" She said. I rolled my eyes and found the others snickering in triumph.

I stared at my swimsuit(A/N: picture of swimsuit to the right -->) and felt my cheekbones lowering and my lips curving into a frown. I don't want to go!

Everyone was so easily walking by because they weren't like me, having emotional problems or whatever. Like they didn't even know how I feel, even my friends don't know what happened, why I started being cranky, and snappy, and stubborn and all the shit you can think of put up together.

Maybe I was just born stupid, that I let my lips speak up before I think of it. I totally regret what happened last night, it happened so fast paced but then after what I said, the thing started to blur into reality and all the creative things that you've imagined was gone. The sparks, the cute lights, the trees and all swaying around, the moonlight shining and the beatiful self of everything were gone, just the realisation and the stunned expression of the man in front of you. Which brought up to one conclusion, he subtly rejected me.

"Oh come one, turn that frown up-side down sis." Jessie nudged me by her elbow. The thing is, I can't. Even if I try, it backs down by itself again.

I hate saying, like. I hate frowning. I hate wearing a swimsuit. I hate my moodiness. I hate that the fact that I tried to forget what happened but the more I try, the more I remember and the more crappy I feel. I hate admitting that I like him!

We entered the water park, and as much as possible I keep myself on stealth mode, not to be seen by anyone else. I'm embarrassed and humiliated by a subtle rejection and if I come across or just see him, I'll probably die!

"Hey Nadine!" I shook my head, getting out of my thoughts and see Ashley snapping her fingers in front of me.

"What did you say?" I said.

They frowned. "You know, I'm kind of bit worried because now you're more often to be spacing out than before. Is there something bothering you? Is there a problem?" Ashley asked and I denied it. For once this is the worst lie I've ever made.

"No. I'm just tired I guess."

"Or maybe because of the fact that you didn't eat dinner and breakfast. What is really happening to you? Your not eating--which is such disturbance because we all know that you're always hungry--you always space out more than you usually do, your not energetic and obviously, there's something wrong." She said as a matter-of-factly.

I shook my head and worried about the main mission. To not be seen by James.

I walked inside and looked everywhere, seems like I'm not being noticed with too much people, just handful as much.

We looked for the cottage number we are assigned in and put our bags and other stuff in there. The place was beautiful, different types of trees and flowers are planted in a sequence. From colors to sizes. The pool had three sections by which are namely, for kids, middle and the giant one with the very long blue slide that has water flowing in it.

Screams, shrieks and roar of laughter can be heard seeing that the whole park was rented by our school. Which means, only seniors and only a few people.

I took my sun glasses off and sighed. It's so hard to be invincible in his eyes with this situation.

"Why don't you wear your bathing suit already, Nadine?" Says, Nathan. Pervert.

"Oh, someone's getting excited aren't they?" Josh joked. We all chuckled.

"Men will always be men, dude." He proclaimed. I frowned, such weird people.

"Okay you two! I know your both excited but I just don't really want to." I sighed. Tsh, if only everything was so easy.

"Oh come on! I swear if you wear that swim suit, I promise that we'll make your day more exciting than you think it will be!" Tom says and raises his right hand, promising.

I sighed for maybe the hundredth time and nod. And if I knew them too well, they're practically doing a victory dance on their heads right now.

I was walking to the changing when suddenly, "Nadine wait!"

"Nadine wait!"

"Nadine wait!"

"Nadine wait!"


My blood seethed into it's boiling point, my eyes flashed with anger and my cheeks went dark red because of shame, embarrassment, anger and everything else.

"What?!" I screamed back without turning my head.

Even if I couldn't see her, I knew she'd flinch. "Uhm, you forgot your top." I stood there stupefied and my cheeks redder even though I knew it wasn't possible.

I quickly ran up to Jessie and retrieved my top and heading to the bathroom with such a burden of shame.


A/N: this is the most extreme cliff-hanger I've ever made. Scary right? *gasps*

I know, I know. It's short but don't argue! I'm going somewhere and I'll be out for hours so I don't have time to finish this chapter in just one go. I'm sorry! Again, thank you for supporting this book bc it reached a FRIGGING 40k reads. I LOVE YOU AND YOU KNOW THAT! ♡♡♡


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