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A/N: yeyeyey! let's get this party started people!!!

Thanks for the continuous support thooo! Love youu xx


My phone went off again and again until I got sick of my ringtone and got it from my pocket. To tell you the truth, I'm wearing shorts now and my phone is waterproof so if you get confused on how my phone still is working then here's the answer.

I opened it and immediately answered it, not actually looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I called out.

[Uhm, yes. Is this Ms. Nadine Lustre? Daughter of Mrs. Anne Lustre?] his voice was sort of urgent and pleading for something and how did he know my name and my mom's name?

"Yes. I am. May I ask who's speaking?"

[Uhh... I know this is kind of sudden but, yesterday, your mom was rushed into the hospital. The one that's taking care of her said that she was walking on her front yard but then she suddenly fainted and she didn't know the reason why. But as we scan her, her leukemia is getting worse. Briefly, she doesn't have that long to live.] a silent cry escaped my lips and after I ran to a corner where no one can eavesdrop before breaking down into pit of tears.

"Why are you informing this to me now?" I whisper-shouted. I was sad about the news. Everyone would. When everything is sort of okay then this big bang comes in and destroys everything.

He's just joking me. This is stupid. This is literal dipshit.

My mom's healthy - well sort of - but still... no. You're not going to believe this. No you're not. You're mom's okay and everything is okay. This is just some stupid prank being pulled up by somebody that obviously hates you!

My tears prickled at my cheeks furiously when I think of the opposite of what I was saying to myself.

That it's true. That mom's going to die. That mom's going to die. That my mom's going to leave me.

She always said, "I'll always be by your side."

Where's that promise? Where is it? Because I think I really need it right now. I need her to hug me tight, to kiss me on the forehead, to comfort me. I need her by my side.

[Hello? are you still there? you're required to go here as soon as possible, as said by your mom. And for your question, I'm her doctor.] I didn't reply and let her shut the call but she didn't, instead, she added, [I know how it feels, my mom got sick with leukemia as well but it started when I was around 5. She didn't last long and before I knew it, she was gone.] I felt the sudden pain when the doctor said it. She was strong. Not like me. [But still, my mom always says and she also said before she died, 'Move on. Your future awaits. Don't let the present conquer you. Live on without me.' I always go by that. And every anniversary, I'd go back to her and recite those words over and over until my eyes go dry. And still, I felt very alive. I'm now a strong lady. I can get through everything, with her words. I want you to feel that too. Alive, independent, strong. Just like what your mother wanted you to be.] and ended everything with a deep sigh.

"But-but... damn it. Look, I know your kind of used to it but, this is bullshit. Heal her. Do everything you can! This is stupid! She can live! She can fight! She can do this! She's my mom and I know her better than anyone and I know that she can survive. Just please. Heal her. I'm begging you, please. She's the only family I have left. She's the only who's left for me. I love her." I whispered the last sentence as I broke down into another wave of crying. Please don't do this to me. I haven't done anything wrong. Just please forgive me. I don't want to be alone.

Broken Diary ➸ JaDine [WILL BE EDITED SOON]Where stories live. Discover now