Chapter 17

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Today was Tuesday. I had driven to a nearby airport and was making sure I wasn’t going to have my luggage check for any weapons. To my relief they hadn’t even laid a hand on my personal items.

“Miami, Florida?” the man questioned.

I nodded and handed him an envelope.


“Yes, if you need to check it, go right ahead.”

“I don’t think so, ma’am. Go ahead. It should be three hours before we arrive and take off in 10 to 20 minutes.”

I thanked him and stepped up the stairs before planting myself on one of the comfortable silk chairs. I sat my luggage under a seat which held a bracket for suitcases like mine. I leaned back and relaxed. They explained that I should be in my seat at all given times until someone came to assure me that it was safe for walking on but I didn’t think I would necessarily need to get up unless to use the bathroom.

I leaned back and pulled an envelope out of my purse. I stared at it with longing. This letter held the words of my mother that I missed so much.


I glanced up to see a woman wearing a short skirt and buttoned shirt, a dark maroon color. Her lips were painted with the same shade and eyeliner. She wore her hair in a nice bun.

“Would you like some champagne?” she asked.

“Oh, no thank you. Do you have water?”

“Yes, of course. I will be back.”

I looked back at the envelope and raked my fingers across the paper. I shut my eyes and tried to remember what my mother looked like alive and healthy but it was so long ago that I couldn’t remember.

“Here you are,” the lady responded.

Blinking my eyes back open, I watched her sit the water on the table.

“Anything else?”

“No, not really. Would you mind sitting and talking?” I quired.

She smiled patiently. “Of course.”

There was a drawn out silence between us that I hated. What made me ask her to sit here and have a nice little chat? Nothing except nervousness of what I planned to do in hours.

“Well,” she started. “What brings you to Florida?”

“Family,” I automatically replied.

“Okay. Cousins?”

“No, my father lives there. His wife will be having a child at this time. I wanted to see the baby boy.”

“Oh, aren’t babies cute?”

I relaxed. She was normal. “Yes, I guess they are.”

“Do you want any?”

I stared at her for a long moment and she darted her eyes. I had done the same and then looked back at her. “Well, if I could, I don’t think I’d choose to raise a child.”

Contracting Lillian Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang