Chapter 44: Gold! Gold!

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"I might throw up" I explain to Jordie as we take our seats. I slump down into it, pulling my team canada hat low.

"I'm so nervous" Jordie says, his legs shaking.

One game. That's all it comes down to, this one game.

I had spoken with Crosby and Toews early and they weren't as nervous as I was.

With the game under way my body became a nervous wreck. I stuck out my hand to see it shaking uncontrollably.

On top of this one game, I couldn't help but think about going home to Tyler.

We had talked every single night for hours on end. I had learned of his childhood, how he scored his first goal, the feeling of his first ever NHL game. I had learned about the relationships he had with players from Boston and how he himself was a huge hockey fan at heart, that he was still in awe of Jamie and Sid playing together.

We had become so close and I knew I wanted to be with Tyler but I didn't know if he felt the same. I didn't know what would be in store for us when I returned to the states. Would Jamie be okay with me dating his line mate?

I shook off all the thoughts and focused on the game, squeezing Jordie's hand the entire way.

One goal, two goal, three.

3-0, and the final buzzer had just went off. The team jumped from the bench and piled onto each other, nothing but joy amongst them. My first instinct was to jump up and hug Jordie tighter than imaginably possible, that's exactly what I did.

"Gold!" I cried "Gold"

"My baby brother" He laughs as he squeezes my small frame. We both let go and make our way towards the glass where we watched them roll out the red carpet.

The Canadian national anthem was being belched through the crowd.

"The true north strong and free!" I sung as I draped a Canadian flag around my shoulders.

Jamie had caught sight of us and waved. His hair was all damp and pushed back, his cheeks flushed red with sweat dripping from his forehead.

With arms wrapped around one another's waste, my head rested on Jordie's shoulder as we watched them prepare the medals.

First the silver medals were awarded, players were upset because they were so close to winning gold but yet they made it farther than any other team.

Than came the gold medal, when the rested one around Jamie's neck I lost it. Tears came streaming down my face and I couldn't be bothered to hold them him. Jamie caught sight and giggled as he played with his shinny new toy.

Together we sang the national anthem as the raised the Canadian flag to the rafters.

And somehow I knew my brother was here and he was standing on that like with a shiny medal hung around his neck. And his cheeks would be blotchy red from all the hard work he put into the game.

And I knew he had his arm around Jamie as together they would belch out their favorite song, eyes closed tight as they sung it with passion.

And when they let us into the ice I jumped onto Jamie, squishing the medal between us.

"I'm so proud of you" I whisper to him before he sets me down. I than move out of the way and let Jordie have his moment.

Carey approaches me, his new medal swinging around his neck.

"Congratulations" I say as I hug him.

"Thank you, you've got a lot to be proud of" He says as he looks over at Jamie who was now hugging Sidney Crosby.

"I know, I know" I smile.

I than went and congratulated the rest of the team, especially Sidney and Jonathan.

After our ice celebrations the team was escorted to the locker room with fifty bottles of champagne to be sprayed.

And this marked the end of a journey, but a new one has just begun. I still had to deal with Tyler and the Stars still needed to make the playoffs.

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