Chapter 30: Feed The Light

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The large black steal gates kept the property enclosed while neatly trimmed bushes surrounded it, giving a private feeling to the property. The house was a long way from the opening of the gates. Accompanied on each side of the brick driveway was cut grass with random patches of flowers. The house had to be several acres of land and no neighbors were in sight. It was manor like, quite big for just outside of Dallas. Tyler had sealed the deal on such a house, which was ginormous. The front of the house had this large fully furnished porch. The house had huge windows the over saw the large property.

It was hard to take everything in as me and Jamie's family walked up the driveway carrying bags of presents in our hands. When we reached the porch Jordie took the first steps and when he reached the heavy double wooden door he rang the doorbell that could be heard from outside the house. Following the ring of the doorbell, a dog bark rang out, Marshall. I had to admit I missed seeing him around Jamie's apartment.

"What a house!" Jamie's mother exclaims before Tyler's mother opens the one door. There she stood attempting to hold back Marshall. Her hair was pulled back and sported jeans, beige boots and a black cami. Her attempts to hold back the large dog failed as he got out. He circled around Jamie and I barking and wagging his tail.

"Hey boy!" I smiled as I used my free hand to pat his head.

"It is so nice to finally meet you guys!"
Tyler's mother exclaims as she shakes Jamie's parents hand. Jackie had never met them because Jamie's parents weren't able to make it out for thanksgiving this year. One by one we went into the house, I was last.

"You look stunning" Jackie whispers in my ear. She than leads us to the living room to put the presents around the massive tree. Tyler's living room was large with these tall ceilings and massive windows that let in a lot of natural light. The tree had to be around 7ft tall and was placed next to the fire place. A large plasma screen tv hung just above it playing Christmas music softly.

"Where is everyone?" Jamie questions.

"In the game room, I'll show you" Tyler's mother responds. We all follow closely behind until we reach the room. An air hockey table was smack center in the room while a large sofa was pushed back against the wall. On the sofa sat Candace who seemed to be lost in her phone while Tyler's father was playing air hockey against Cassidy. All three looked up when Jackie cleared her throat.

"Nicola" Cassidy smiled before releasing the paddle in her hand and hugging me. "Long time no see" Candace said. Everyone exchanged their hellos before splitting into different parts of the house. I managed to cling onto Jamie and Jordie as we sat in the living room watching hockey highlights. It had been 15 minutes and Tyler was still no where to be seen.

"Where is he?" Jamie questioned.
"Right here" I voice rang out. Standing at the top of the stair case, which was visible from the living room, was Tyler. He wore faded dark blue jeans and a white v neck. His hair was pushed back and his beard freshly shaped, he had finished the 2nd sleeve of his tattoo. But there was something rather intriguing about him, something different. Bags appears under his eyes and his vibe gave of stress. Something in me was telling me that Tyler was putting on an act, a front, he wasn't being himself at the moment.

"Hey man" Jamie smiles as he gets up, him and Tyler do a handshake before Tyler says hi to Jordie. I however hold back and stay on the sofa as Jamie introduces his parents to Jamie. They talk for a few moments and before I know it the parents head off with Jordie and its just Jamie, Tyler and I. Tyler looks up at me gingerly before looking back down at the ground, Jamie picks up on the sudden gesture. He clears his throat before resting his hand on Tyler's shoulder. "I'm gonna leave you two alone, maybe you can talk" he says and before either of us can say something he leaves the room.

I shift my gaze to the floor, neither of us say anything. The heavy breathing of Tyler is the only noise. "I'm only here because of Jamie" I finally say, breaking the silence. I lift my head to meet Tyler's dark brown eyes. He purses his lips before placing his hand on the door frame and leans on it.

"I just want a civilized day, it's christmas" he sighs
"I can behave" I roll my eyes at him before walking out of the living room.

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