Chapter 3: The dress

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Early morning for me, I had to get to training camp that was 40 minutes away. Normally I would've carpooled with Jamie but the whole team was taking a bus, leaving me stranded. I quickly threw on jeans and a stars shirt, the rink was going to be cold. I threw my paper, pen, iPad and camera into a bag before rushing out the door.

When I finally arrived at camp the guys were all in the locker room. I knew the one thing everyone wanted to read about, Tyler Seguin. As much as I disliked the guy, I needed to cover it.  This season was going to be so much harder, on all of us. New management, new coach, new faces, a new captain and just everything new.

I doodle at the top of my paper before jotting down notes. I wrote down the drills guys were doing, everything was so different. I mostly watched Jamie, he was working so hard to be named captain. The guys started basic warmups before drills. Running, squats, pushups, pull-ups, burpees, anything and everything to start conditioning. Two whole days of this before they even got a chance to hit the ice.

I was walking through the hall when a plastic ball flew across and just missed my head, causing me to drop my pen and paper.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I here the voice say, I look over to Tyler, of course. He bends over and picks up the papers that have scattered to the floor,his other hand holds the hockey stick.

"I didn't mean to swat it at you"

"You're just lucky you missed" I snatch the papers out of his hand but he holds on to one.

"You're writing about me? " he smirks

"I have to, I write what people want to read about and it happens to be you" he scans the paper than looks up at me

"This is really good, you've got talent"

"Is that sarcasm?"

"No your actually really good" Just than I see Jamie walk by so I snatch the paper from his hand and run after Jamie.

"Hey Cola" he says, my nickname

"I have a question"


"The hockey gala, I don't know what kind if dress to wear"

"Well, it's really upscale and fancy but not to fancy" he laughes

"Jamie you're no help" I shake my head

"Saturday, we have off, I'll bring you dress shopping"

"Really Jamie?"

"Yea, and than we can go get pizza or something"

"You're the best" I squeal as I hug him. After I let go I see Seguin and Pevearly walking our way so I part ways with Jamie.

Tyler's POV

I couldn't just bluntly ask Jamie if nicola and him had a thing, I just couldn't. They never spoke about it but Ive see them laughing and hugging these past few days. I was in the car with Jamie, on our way back to the house when he asked me about the hockey gala and If I would attend. I normally did attend every year with Brad, I hadn't thought about it at all this year. How could I show my face to my former team mates?

"So you gonna come?" Asks Jamie, snapping me out of my daze.

"I't wouldn't hurt, carpool?"

"Uh yea but Nicola is coming to"

"Oh, I don't want to bombard"

"Bombard? Why would you bombard?"

"Aren't you and Nicola going together?"He than begins to chuckle at my assumption

"Nicola is my really close friend, nothing more. She loves hockey so I take her to the gala each year to hang out with a few guys she doesn't get to see during the season. In fact her and Sidney Crosby are good friends" he laughs

"I'm sorry for assuming, you guys are awfully close"

"Yea, she's fun to be around but just friends, nothing more"

Saturday, Nicola's POV

"Jamie! Come on!" I scream

"I'm almost done" he says, I swear sometimes he's worst than a girl when it comes to his hair.

"See look I'm done" he says as he places a stars cap over his hair.

"All that for nothing?"

"It wasn't for nothing" he rolls his eyes

"Let's go!"

When we get to Group USA I quickly begin picking up dresses from the rack than drag Jamie over to the dressing room. The first dress is a rhinestone corset top with a red flowy bottom.

"No, red washes you out" I had taught him well, I returned to the dressing room to try on a new dress. The next dress was a black sweat heart neckline.

"Hugs you real nice but makes you look older" Jamie frowned. I finally grab a white dress that's one shoulder. The one shoulder was all rhinestones and crystals. It featured a sheer panel of hand sown rhinstones, it was connected to the shoulder, went under my arm, across my stomach and ended at my hip. The white slimming dress had a slit for my leg.

"How's this one?"

"That's, that's stunning Nicola" Jamie stutters, causing me to blush.

"So this dress? will it out do my other ones from the previous galas?"

"It will do way more than out do the other dresses, Nicola it's perfect on you"

"It's not to revealing?"

"Nope the way the rhinestones start from the shoulder an come all the way to you hip and the back is all closed up... It's perfect" he smiles. I quickly change into my clothes and bring the dress over to get it checked it out. I was about to take out my credit card when Jamie swiped his.

"You the best" I laugh

"Eh, early birthday present" That's right, my birthday fell October 3rd, a few weeks from today, also opening night

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