Chapter 14: Hope

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Nicola's POV

It was the first time in a while that I felt alive. The music made me move, I let loose. Tyler couldn't dance to save his life but that doesn't matter. I could've stayed out on that dance floor all night. I was alive. I felt free for once.

The next day the guys had off and Jamie was up cooking breakfast. I came in all smiley as I took a seat at the counter.

"Your all happy today"

"Just had a really good night"

"Eh last night was okay"

"That's what happens when you stay in the vip box the whole night" Tyler chimes in as he walks into the kitchen.

"Nic and I had fun last night"

"I got some blisters but they where worth it" I chuckle

After breakfast Tyler and Jamie left to go shopping for some new suits. Marshall and I were out on the balcony in the hammock. He was laying on top of me and occasionally would lick my check as a sign of affection. I was really growing attached to this dog.

Jamie's POV

"You seemed to have a blast last night" I say to Tyler as I skim the clothes rack.

"It was a fun night"

"And you didn't even pick up a beer?"

"Nope, I was with Nicola the whole night"

"She seems to be taking a liking to you"

"Yea, I like the way our friendship is going"

"It pisses me off that she shy's away from me" I sigh frustrated

"Jamie believe me the moment her memory comes back it's bye bye Tyler and hello Jamie"

"You better be right!" I chuckle

* Nicola's POV

I sat early in the morning out on the balcony when I herd Tyler walk through the living room mumbling under his breath. His hands ran through his hair as he pulled at it. He looked so distressed in his suit.

"What's wrong?" I question as I open the curtain,revealing myself.

"Oh my god Nic I didn't know you where out there... I'm just stressed"


"I'm leaving to Boston today for the game tomorrow"

"Are you worried about playing your old team?"

"Yea it's kinda stressing me out.... I don't want to loose to them" he sighs

"And if you do?"

"I'll never show my face in Boston"

"You are playing this game for the wrong reason. You are playing out of spite and not for the game. Play because this is something you love. Do not look at the logo on the teams jersey. And besides don't you have enough faith in your team? Why do you doubt?"

"I'm not" he answers quickly

"Yes you are, you wouldn't worry if you know you weren't going to loose"

"That's the game, you never know what's going to happen"

"But you are coming in the mindset that you are going to loose that's why you worry"

"It's not-"

"Have hope, it's the only thing I have"

He shook is head and stared at the floor almost as if he was pondering my words in his head. He had dark circles under his eyes, he must've stayed up all night worrying.

Tyler's POV

I got my glove on while the team made it way out to the ice. I skated to the blue line and took my place next to Jamie. My helmet under my arm and my stick in the other hand has my head hung down while the star Spangled Banner played. After I was over the lights came back on and I came in for the face off. I was sick to my stomach, I couldn't look over to the bruin next to me.

"Where going to get this win" whispered Jamie before he took his place.

"Hope" I whispered. "Hope"

The game got started and my stomach calmed down a bit. I never thought the TD garden would make me sick.

"Hope, hope, hope" I mumbled

At the end of the 3rd we where tied up. Brad and Tukkaa had tried to talk to me during the game but I ignored them, I needed to stay focused.

"Listen up!" yells Jamie, my head comes up to see him.

"We..... this isn't just any hockey game okay? We all play this sport for different reasons but we all have one goal.. the cup. I know" he took a deep breath and shook his head "I know we're underdogs and its nice to win. Man it would be nice to win this game so let's go out there and do what we need too to win. For this club..... For Tyler" The throwing up sensation eased as we took the ice for OT.

OT didn't decide the winner and we took to a shoot out. At this point I wanted to rip my own hair out. I would be the laughing stalk of the whole Bruins team if we lost. The trade... the trade would've been worth it.

I got my stick and retapped it as the zamboni came to clean a patch of the ice. I can't tell you much of what happened, my head was spinning for most of it but it came down to me staring at Tukkaa, once a buddy of mine and the puck in the back of the net.


I skated past the Bruins bench, familiar faces haunted me. I put up my fist and pretends to fist pump them as I skated by. Just like old times, old times.


"Peverley.." I whispered to him before he jumped the bench.

"Show them what a horrible fucking trade that was"

He nods at me. He knew what to do.


Hope paid off. Hope.

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