Chapter 18: A Glimmer Of Hope

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1 week had passed. One full week of hell. Every single day I was in that damn hospital in the back room of Doctor Ollins' office surrounded by dumb games.

But today was Thanksgiving, and I didn't know if I should be happy or sad. I didn't have to be in that hospital today and Jamie and Tyler had off but there families where coming. I wasn't sure if I was ready to meet them, again.
Both of their families had arrived last night and where staying at Jamie's apartment. I avoided seeing them last night and hid out in my apartment.

I stood in the front of the mirror adjusting the black chiffon top I was wearing that I paired with black leather leggings and some black wedges. The person that reflected back at me look tired.

She looked drained.

I got my stuff and myself together before heading up to Jamie's. The hallway smelt heavily of turkey and other delicacies cooking in the Benn household. From inside I could hear the giggles of girls, they must be Tyler's sisters.

I take a moment before knocking on the door. When I do, Tyler opens it. His eyes lay on me and a smile appears on his face.
"Happy Thanksgiving Tyler" I smile as I hand him a plate of cookies.
"And to you to"

I follow him inside and to my surprise it's quiet a full house.

"Nicola this is my mother Jackie, my father Paul and my two sisters Cassidy and Candace"
"It's so nice to meet you, especially you guys, tyler is alway watching clips of you guys!" I say to his sisters as I hug them.

"Nic you're here" I hear someone say, I turn around to see Jamie. His hair sleeked back, he sported jeans and v neck which was unusual for him.
"Hey Jamie" I smile shly "Where's -"
"Jordie is cooking and my parents couldn't make it, bad snow storm in Canada"
"That blows"
"Tell me about it" he laughs

Tyler, Jamie and Jordie head to the kitchen where they finish cooking with Paul and Jackie, leaving Cassidy and Candace with me in the living room.
"Marshy!" I call and Marshall comes running over to me and licks my face.
"I've never seen him be that friendly with anyone but tyler" laughs Candace. I can't help but see Tyler in the both of them, it was quiet funny actually.
"He's such a sweetheart"
"So what do you do for a living?" questions Cassidy
"I actuall-" I was cut off the sudden grunt of Tyler who was standing behind me with a scolding look on his face and his arms crossed.
"Never mind" Cassidy says
"That's a sick tattoo, are those Roman numerals-"
"Why don't we go set the table" Cassidy smiles cutting of Candace.
"That's a good idea" Tyler says.

Without another word we got up and I lead them to the table but from the corner of my eye I could see Tyler give his sister a face. I hated this. Tyler was making sure they didn't get out of line. His heart was in the right place but I don't want them or anyone feeling uncomfortable around me because of this dumb temporary disability.

I left the girls with the plates and pulled Tyler into the hallway.
"Can we talk?" I almost choke on my words
"Can you leave your sisters alone?"
"I don't want them saying something to you-"
"Tyler it's okay, I understand but don't make them feel uncomfortable"
"I'm sorry" he whispers. I kiss his cheek "Thank you"

Later that day there was food at practically every inch of the table. I sat between Candace and Cassidy, Jordie, Tyler and Jackie sat across from me while Jamie and Paul where the heads of the table. It was an amazing meal, Jamie's cooking was absolutely perfect.

After dinner Jackie brought out deserts and we all sat around the table sipping on a glass of wine while joking and giggling. One glass of wine wouldn't hurt, I just wanted to relax.
"I remember when Tyler was little he and Candace sent pucks right through the garage door!" laughed Jackie
"Okay well Jamie decided that he was going to spend the entire day out on the ice and came it when these huge ass blisters and spent the entire night crying so Mom wouldn't let him out all week, I was more tortured than him!" Jamie says
"Remember the time you brought me skating for the first time? I fell right on my butt the moment I stepped on the ice!" I laughed but no one else laughed with me. Jamie and Tyler stared at me with blank stares.
"W-what did you say?" Jamie stutters
"Remember- Oh my god!" I scream "Remember! remember! I remembered something!" I almost cried
"Nicola!" Jamie and Tyler yelled out before the jumped from there seats and hugged me.
"T-the exercises they're working!" I cried into Jamie's chest.
"Nic do you remember anything else?" questions Tyler
"My brother" I say in a low tone "I remember when we where little and he shoved a cupcake in my face" I giggled as tears streamed down my face.
"You use to tell me that story all the time" Jamie says as he rubs my back for comfort
"I can't remember anything else"
"That's okay, baby steps" Tyler smiles "Baby steps"

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