Chapter 11: You dont understand

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Nicola's POV

I knew the smell, I may have lost my memory but Jesus I'll never shake the smell hospitals had. I tried to at least remember why I was here but all I could recall was looking at bottles of alcohol. My head hurt a lot, like a pounding headache and the iv in my arm hurt more than usual. I opened my eyes and looked around, empty, no one was here.

"Hello?" I called out

"Nicola" smiles Jamie as he opens my door

"What, what happened?"

"I'm gonna explain when we get home"

"But I wanna know now"

"I know but this isn't the place"

Later that day I was released from the hospital and even the doctor denied me information about my own health. As soon as we entered the apartment I demanded to know.

"Now Jamie!" I said firmly

"Nicola please!" he yelled back

"Jamie Benn you can not deny me information about my own health! I can barely remember anything about my life, i would just like to know that I'm healthy!" I scream at him

"Nicola your going to be fine! You gave yourself..."

"Gave myself what?!"

"You gave yourself alcohol poising the other night... I can't get the image of your pale body passed out on the floor...I got so scared that I had lost you"

"Your not my boyfriend if I'm correct so what would you have lost if I had died?"

"I would've lost my best friend!" he weeped. I was taken back his answer, I didn't know I meant so much to him. Another thing I had just fucked up.

"Jamie" I say softly but he doesn't lift his head that are buried in his hands.

"Jamie I'm sorry I didn't know what I meant to you, this all really hard for me. I wake up everyday so empty, I can't remember anything! I hate it!"

"I know Nicola it's hard for me to. You look so lost and it hurts me so much"

Just than Tyler came out and saw the both of us.

"Nicola go change and we'll go out somewhere" he says and I scurry off to my room

Tyler's POV

It hurt me to watch these two crumble right before my eyes.

"Tyler, you have to promise me something" Jamie says

"What is it?"

"When she gets her memory back she can not know that she drank, do not tell her" he looks at my with cold eyes and I surely knew I wouldn't tell.

"I won't, now you go rest up"

I get Nicola into my car and begin driving, I have no exact place on where I was taking her but she needed to get out of that dreaded apartment.

Jamie's POV

I could've lost her, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if she was gone. I got myself off the couch and crept to the guest room that she was staying in. It was neat and clean and I hated it. When it came to Nicola's room she had papers everywhere filled with writing but now there was nothing. But there was something that caught my eye, the poem book. It wasn't the book itself, it was the crumpled papers next to them.

I uncrumpled each paper and slowly read over the words. Her hand writing wasn't neat like it use to be, each word was jagged. I read over everything and felt as if my heart fell down to the bottom of my stomach, I was sick. This was why she drank that whole bottle, she was depressed. My heart ached knowing she felt useless, like a waist of space. I could see it everyday, she was empty. I couldn't help her, there was nothing I could really do to bring back her

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