Chapter Eight

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Seventh Circle of Hell Day 5


The amount of sleep I got always coincided with the guys' schedules, and they were absolute animals.

So far, I'd managed to almost kill them.

Insulted them unknowingly.

Apparently leered at them during their photo shoot.

And, well today, today I apparently almost sent Sookie to the hospital when I offered to cook breakfast and found out that he's allergic to eggs.

He almost put a bite into his mouth, not realizing I'd made a breakfast burrito only to have Rae grab it out of his hands and yell, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Making breakfast." My throat nearly closed. "You guys have been working so hard, and I thought—"

"Stop thinking," he snapped and then, "I'm sorry, it's just...he's allergic to eggs. It should have been in his profile. Haven't you memorized them by now?"

I wanted to yell back, sure how was I supposed to do that when I was constantly driving them everywhere? Researching? Grabbing coffee? Making sure crazy fans didn't murder them for a chance to touch them? Just yesterday a Sasaeng attempted to pull Kai's hair, nearly succeeded, and caused him to fall backward, any harder and he would have hit the pavement and could have gotten a concussion.

It was on the news.

Along with my face as I tried to block the rest of them.

It was getting worse.

The scandal with Lucas.

Even though he'd been laying low, going to and from practices, people were demanding he leave the group.

The video wasn't even that damning. I'd watched it a dozen times in an attempt to understand, then fell under his stupid spell again as he interviewed on YouTube pre-scandal.


The guys had three weeks left.

The countdown was on.

The practices were getting more stressful.

The guys were getting quieter.

And I had just wanted to do something nice for them.

"I'm sorry," I said again to Rae then started cleaning up the kitchen. He sighed and then actually did grab a burrito. Surprising me to death.

"I'm not allergic." His brown eyes were bloodshot. He'd been up again; he was always up, always checking on everyone. "Just pay more attention, okay?"

"Yeah," I whispered. "Okay."

Sookie slumped in his chair; his hair was a mess, and he looked playful in his Lakers shirt and ripped jeans.

"Sorry I almost killed you. I exhaled.

He shrugged like hey it's fine, when it totally wasn't, then walked around to the fridge and grabbed a water.

I quickly went into the pantry then tossed him a protein bar. He held it up and nodded his head like thank you.

I nodded back.

He was always warm toward me, but it was almost like he would get punished for it. Not by Rae; Rae was just trying to keep the group together and was stressed as hell, and even Kai had been moderately tolerable. Jay seemed more amused by me than anything. But Lucas? Well, I was sure he had a countdown on how long before he was allowed to run me over with the van.

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