Chapter Twenty-Three

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Silent confessions and heights


"This is amazing!" The entire theme park was lit up reminding me of Disneyland or a larger version of the Seattle Center. I did a little twirl in excitement while Dae-Jung stayed back and talked with one of the directors.

"All right." He jogged toward the group. "They're shooting on the opposite end of the park, so as long as we stay on this side, we're fine."

Solia nervously looked around. "Do they have adequate security to block out the press from—"

"Relax a little," Kai interrupted. "It's a closed shoot, which means no cameras and all the fun."

"But the employees—"

"Have all signed NDA's and gag orders," Dae-Jung said triumphantly. "They aren't even allowed to have their phones on set."

Solia kept arguing. "But you can't control—"

"Keep talking and I'm shoving a corn dog into your mouth," Kai threatened.

Her ears turned bright red.

Kai gave a satisfied nod. "There, silence. That's better, plus don't you technically work for us?"

Her eyes narrowed into tiny slits like she was seconds away from doing more than choking him. "I don't think taking SWT to an amusement park is in my job description."

"It should be." He shot her an easy grin.

I appreciated that they were at least arguing in English for my and everyone else's benefit. In fact, everyone just seemed to slide into it, so I could at least understand what the hell was going on.

How had I ever thought these guys were selfish?

Hard working? Yes.

Protective? Yes.

Terrified of failure? Every second of every day.

I smiled to myself and then saw a really cool looking carousel. Without even thinking, I just started walking in that direction. Someone fell into step beside me.

Rae grinned. "A child at heart, huh?"

"Something like that." A soft giggle slipped out. "Wanna ride?"

He burst out laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "You know what I meant!"

"I did." There was no line since the park was closed to the public. I chose a white horse and loved that everyone else followed and got on, even grumpy Solia, who somehow settled on one of the short horses that didn't move up and down. The poor girl even had her black pantsuit on, with heels so her legs were dangled to the side.

How she managed to still look graceful was amazing. I should really take lessons. As I leaned back and stared up at the pretty mirrors and colors, I understood that I would never be that reserved. Even if I was taught how, it wouldn't be me.

"Your laugh," Rae said over the fun music. "It's addicting."

"Did you just give me another compliment?" I teased.

His eyes flickered to my mouth. "Guess I just can't help it."

Something about the way he looked at me was different from before, like he saw something in me he hadn't seen earlier and liked it.

I shrugged the goose bumps away along with the voice in the back of my head that advised me to be careful.

I was reading into things.

My Summer in SeoulWhere stories live. Discover now