Chapter Eighteen

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Moment of truths...


Super fun, being rejected by Rae, even though there was nothing to reject. Still, it didn't feel awesome.

Nor did Lucas's look of pity lessen the blow.

Note to self: no more soju.

No more relying solely on Rae either, considering I'd apparently been annoying him this entire time.

I still wasn't completely sure how I even got back to the apartment and onto the couch, let alone covered in a blanket that wasn't mine. I did have the best dream though, I was laying there and Lucas was on top of me, his face close to mine, and I remembered just wanting to hold him close because he was so warm and smelled so good, then felt like an idiot when I later woke up and he was on the floor like he'd just tripped over my massive body.

I took a deep breath. I still had my pride, right?


And at least Lucas didn't throw away his coffee.

Rae hadn't said more than a few words to me. He either felt bad or he was just as embarrassed as I was.

Jay at least seemed to be attempting to crack jokes during rehearsal, but all bets were off once we got to Idol Variety.

Everyone suddenly got uber serious, even though the set looked really fun. I tried not to gape as different idols arrived from other groups, all of them beautiful and larger than life.

I honestly needed to take notes on some killer skin care routines, because I was clearly lacking and dehydrated from the night before.

I yawned behind my hand and chugged down more Iced Americano while the guys finished up with makeup and wardrobe.

Staff ran around attempting to get everyone ready and in their spots. It was fascinating, I tried to blend in to the back and was thankful again that I looked the part, even though I felt like a giant imposter as people got the stage ready.

It looked like a normal classroom setting, with desks and everything. In fact it was super cute and made me smile. I knew that some of SWT's videos were a bit on the intense sexy side, whereas this made them look more approachable. There had to be a marketing plan along with it, and I made a mental note to ask one of them or Solia later—if she returned my texts after being annoyed this morning.

How was it my fault they were messing up the routine?

A little alarm sounded like a quiet ding-dong you'd hear at an old suburban household. SWT, wearing cute red and white school uniforms, made their way onto the stage and sat in desks followed by another three-member guy group, who looked very young, as in, might still be in high school and just debuted, young.

A girl in a short red skirt and red jacket followed. She was stunningly gorgeous with her thigh-high white socks and cute boots—I tried not to stare, but it was near impossible and it must have been a theme because the three young guys immediately blushed when they saw her walk on stage and sit in her chair.

How did she not flash ass cheek to everyone?

Everyone had a different sort of duffel bag next to their desks. Lucas was directly in front of her.

She yawned then leaned down and touched the zipper on his bag and shoved something inside.

I was about to say something, when filming started.

What had she put in there?

"We're late. Again," Solia said suddenly.

I jumped. "When did you get here?"

My Summer in SeoulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ