Chapter Fourteen

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Incognito...kind of


"Do you even know what time it is?" Kevin's arms were still crossed. "You're calling me at 3 a.m.!"

I shrugged. "Sorry, failed math." I grinned. "Hey, you been working out?"

"You were a TA for math, but sure, yeah, okay." He groaned into his hands ignoring my compliment. "What do you need and what's this about a favor? I distinctly remember—"

"Oh good, so you do remember the time I saved your goldfish from certain death, broke up with three girlfriends because you were too chicken shit to do it yourself, went to your nana's two-day long birthday party, and bailed you out of jail..." He opened his mouth but before he could say anything, I announced, "Thrice."

"Thrice isn't a word."

"It is..." Rae chimed in. "Actually."

Kevin's eyes narrowed. "Why are you with so many guys?" It was as if he was doing the calculations in his head and getting more panicked by the second. "Should I call the police? Should I be worried? Oh hell, are you a sugar baby now?"

"Kevin!" I was turning this into my personal Home Alone movie, wasn't I? "No, I'm working, as you know, in Korea, these are the guys from—"

"Holy. Shit." Kevin jerked the phone closer. "Are you working with SWT?"

Just deflect! "Yup, okay so what we need from you—"

"Anything!" he shouted.

Next to me, Rae did a whole-body flinch.

"Whatever you need," Kevin said. "Holy shit! Hey, can I get an autograph for my girlfriend? She's a huge fan, and you know it would be really cool." He moved on his bed, and the light from his phone flashed on the wall directly behind him and lit upon an SWT poster.

"Are you twelve?" I shook my head. "I mean really..."

Kevin slowly looked over his shoulder then back at us. "That's not mine."

"Whatever you say." I grinned. "I'm sure the nonexistent girlfriend hung it then. So, will you help us?"

He stared long and hard then finally said, "Avengers, assemble."

"That's the spirit!" I clapped while the guys behind me seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "So, long story short, Lucas over there, the guy with the red hair that looks nearly too beautiful to be real—and don't worry, he can't understand me so it's fine to comment on his godlike beauty—was assaulted by a fan here and it caused a huge scandal. I was thinking if we could at least pinpoint who that person was, we could possibly get an apology since they have no clue who I am. It's a long shot, but you never know."

Kevin was already typing furiously across his keyboard. When had he even gotten his laptop? Did he sleep with it or something?

"Cool, I just need any information you have."

"Already emailed to you."

He paused. "You know me too well."

"That's why we're friends." I winked.

"And why I could never date you, no offense." He winked right back.

Rae cleared his throat interrupting our minor flirtation. "Do you think you can actually do it?"

Kevin paused and looked up. "Bro, I have every three-letter agency in the States begging me to work for them. This is nothing. Let me just break into— Oops! So yeah, that was probably illegal. Don't worry, I'll leave your names out of it."

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