Chapter No 7 In all luxurious Life

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She was getting bored while sitting inside the room. She does not want to face him after what he said. She went down. She decided to go outside.

There was a huge garden outside. She has liked gardens since childhood. She once had one when she never moved to Canada. She took a deep breath. She was really fond of the plants. She walked towards the Garden it has many plants. Almost every kind of plant.

Hibiscus used her favorite. She smelled hibiscus and it brought her back to so many memories. The Garden needed a bit of attention; plants were drying out due to dehydration. She looked around and there was a water pitcher nearby. She fills it with water and gives water to every plant. The garden was too huge.

He parked the car in the parking lot and got out of the car. He heard water splash from the garden. He walked towards the garden. Matilda was pouring water on the plants. It has been years since someone nourished this garden. He looked at her.

After a while she felt his eyes. She looked in the direction where he was standing. "Well what are you looking at Mr. Easton? Help me," she said loudly.

The water pitcher was big and she could not handle it when it was full. He rolled his eyes and walked towards the place where she was standing. He took the water Pitcher from her and started pouring water.

"Mr. Easton, Why don't you give water to these poor plants, they all are drying out," she said sadly. "They have long dried out," he said in a tone that made her look at him but he was expressionless. He gave water to all plants in the garden.

"Mr. Easton, I found these from the green house" she said while showing him the package of plant seeds.

"I want them to grow in the garden if you give permission," she said, smiling hesitantly.

"You can do it" she said shortly and turned to leave when she called him.

"Mr. Easton! I, I want you to help me" she said hesitantly. He looked at her confused and turned towards the house. She frowned, because she likes it when someone helps her in planting. After a while she was looking for equipment when she heard him.

"These are in the green house" she turned. He changed his clothes. He was wearing a light T-shirt and shorts. He looked attractive in those clothes too. She went towards the greenhouse to get some gardening equipment. After a while she came with tools.

They were growing sunflowers. He was quite good at gardening. "Mr. Easton, you know a lot about gardening" she said, smiling. He smiled in return. For the first time she saw him smiling.

"In your all house I love this Garden; in my all time I will not forget this" she said excitedly, he looked up at her. "You just like this garden?" he asked. "Yeah" she said shortly.

"I have spent a lot of dollars, even given her everything that the girl around me dies for and sells everything for but all she liked is this garden?" he thought.

She was not looking at him, she was digging the soil. The soil was a bit on her face. He raised his hand in order to clean that up. When he touched her skin they both felt electricity. She looked at him.

They almost have done the planting. He got up and turned to leave. "Mr. Easton?" he stopped. "Why you like to be mysterious?" she asked him.

"Because some things are good if they are mystery" he said in a deep voice and left. When she got up, there was a lot of soil over body. She cleaned that up and went ahead. She wanted to take a bath.


It was almost evening, she was preparing dinner. She doesn't know what he likes and she does not know how to cook Spanish food, so she cooked Pasta. He walked in the dinning when she was settling food on the table.

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