Chapter No 11 Troubled

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For the whole next day she was checking upon his fever. By evening when the temperature goes low, she makes him egg soup. He has gained consciousness by now.

His phone was continuously ringing. He was trying to reach it, and Matilda picked it up.

"I am Mr. Easton's assistant, he is currently not well so you can talk to him tomorrow bbye," she said and hung up the phone.

He gives her a sigh. "You are acting like my mom," he said, annoyed.

"Miss Fanaggaen would definitely have the same attitude if you are going to work when you are ill," she said annoyed.

"Now you are not going out of bed, you have caught a cold, I have brought you some medicine and you are going to take them on time," she said while raising her finger.

"Okay Mom" he said, exhausted.

"Who was on the call?" he asked.

"Don't know some random woman" she shrugged.

He rolled his eyes.


He remained over the bed for the three days. Now he was feeling better. He came out of the bathroom, when she said. "Mr. Fanaggaen?" he turned and looked at her.

"What have I told you about my name?" he said while raising his one eyebrow.

"Sorry Mr. Easton, groceries in the kitchen are about to end, and I am afraid we have to go and bring a few things and after a week your parents are also coming back, so we should buy few things" she said.

He took a deep breath.

"Okay let's go" he said shortly.


They went to the store, but everything was in Spanish, she was unable to understand anything. Luckily that night Patricia helped her a lot and she was able to buy medicine from a Spanish store but today her head was spinning around because she was seeing everything in the store in Spanish.

She looked at Mr. Easton who was standing without any expressions.

"I, I might need your help" she said.

He looked at her and walked towards the rag he bought everything needed for the kitchen. He talked in Spanish at the counter.

"His accent is so sexy," she thought and then she scolds herself

. "Is that everything?" she asked because he bought so many things.

They went towards the parking lot and put all the things in the back seat. She gets in the car and he starts the car. For a few minutes there was complete silence in the car.

"Mr. Easton?" She called his name.

"You have not told me why you wanted to escape marriage?" she asked hesitantly.

"What have I told you about digging in my life?" he asked.

"But I am curious from my experience, some stop believing in something when they get hurt by it" she said while looking out.

He looked at her, this time her expressions were poker. He did not reply. The road was blocked, there were a lot of people wearing colorful dresses walking over the street.

"What's happening here?" she asked.

"It's our Spanish festival known as Feria de Fuengirola" he said while looking outside.

"Fairy de?" she repeats with confused expressions.

"Feria de Fuengirola" he said again.

"Mr. Easton, can I go and watch it" she asked.

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