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Episode 18| THIRD POV

The Marchioness bit her lip, all she knew was that the atmosphere is tense, she knew their irresponsible behaviour cause a bad impression towards the young master.

His voice as he ordered her to stand up was no mean by friendly, she could detect his underlying frustration and anger. 

Upon receiving the news of his arrival, she tried to leave as soon as possible but what met her eyes after arriving the manor was the butler's anxious face and a unfamiliar man.

She have never felt such embarrassment until today. Unaware of her gripped, Veronica who has been silent for a while moaned at the harsh hold.

"I think that's quite enough Marchioness. Miss Veronica and I came from a long outing, for that matter, it was my fault in the beginning that I brought her to the capital." Hazen explained noticing the Marchioness tight hold on Veronica lessened.

"I ask for forgiveness if such behaviour caused the Marchioness to worry. I simply want to take the young miss to a splended place after such a long wait " he pressed the last words while maintaning his blank expression over her.

Again, Hazen politely responded to them with a hint of awareness, he was not to be messed with just because he was young and a son of a related imperial family. He was not to be schemed with and be exiled just like the original Hazen in the game.

The Marchioness nodded quickly.

"I t-thank the young master for knowing this mother's heart towards her daughter's safety. " she replied without looking at him in the face.

She was simply too embarrassed and soaked in shame to even face such a distinguished guest.

On the other hand, The Marquis calmed himself down after being provoked by him. He never anticipated that a day would come for someone to insult him right in front of his face.

"We apologise young Master. I know our behaviours is unacceptable and we hope we could settle this to a nice and more appropriate appointment to meet again? The young master must have a lot of inquiries regarding to what matters?" he cajoled while pressing the questions lightly as if nothing had happened earlier.

"Appointment? I think the Marquis know its only a one time thing. You ought to expect a person like me to pardon such impolite excuse?, Today was supposed to be the day that we discussed matters over what my father, the duke, had conversed with the Marquis. " Hazen reminded him.

Of course how could the Marquis forget about his discussion with the Duke? He almost let out a hiss of frustration.

"T-that...of course, how can I forget?? Haha, this must be due to getting old as years goes by..." he forcibly laughed.

"I understand that the Marquis is getting old that even something that could stand couldn't satisfy the need of others. But this is no laughing matter Marquis. I was very much expecting your arrival but I was deeply disappointed of your 'punctuality'" he mocked, not hiding his disdain.

At this point everyone who are present in the lounge gasp at his words.

This was tantamount to insulting the pride of the Marquis and his reputation.

Hazen didn't even hold back his tongue when the Marquis blamed old age for his ignorance.

Even Veronica couldn't say anything other than being amused at the situation in front.

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