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Chapter 73

    "You wait for me! No one in the base dares to fight our Yihetang, you wait to die." Half an hour ago, the extremely arrogant local snakes helped each other to leave, and before leaving, they pointed at them and deliberately put them down. He said a harsh word.

    For the slags with less than five fighting strengths, the highest supernatural power level cannot exceed two levels, and Si Huan and Hu Zhi can beat them away with a single shot. When Huo Yunsheng came back, he heard that someone had come to provoke him just now, and he had already been beaten away. He sighed regretfully: "Why didn't you call me? I'm the best at this kind of thing."

    "Congratulations, we beat him up when we first arrived." Si Huan spread his arms and said helplessly.

    Jiang Changjing locked the trunk of the truck, and said slowly: "It's okay, they can't make waves. Drive the car back, let's go home." In the

    evening, Si Huan and Hu Zhi counted the net income of the day, almost two hundred and fifty Ten crystal cores, thirty catties of grain. The daily rent for going out to the stall is close to 40 crystal cores and five catties of coarse grains per person per day.

    The income is considerable, they earned so much on the first day of doing business, and there is no cost to get the goods, so the profits they make are even more.

    After Jiang Changjing took a shower, he wiped his half-wet hair with a towel, and when he came out of the bathroom, he saw Si Huan coaxing Si Bai and Xiaozhi to sleep beside the small bed. During these days, Si Bai gradually got used to every bit of human society, and his speech and behavior were similar to those of an ordinary five-year-old child. Except that sometimes some very superficial knowledge is not well understood, I can't fault it.

    He also heard from Si Huan that Zai Zai suddenly changed into a human form because he ate the spirit flower fairy grass in the space by mistake. The medicine house space is indeed left by the former monks, and these flowers and plants have magical effects.

    After putting the bear to sleep, Si Huan was so tired that he fell on his back on the bed, feeling that he wasn't so tired when he had twigs before. Feeling that a corner of the bed was falling down, Si Huan closed his eyes and said, "Rub my shoulders."

    "Thank you." Jiang Changjing moved gently.

    Si Huan twisted his neck uncomfortably, "Fortunately, you used to coax Xiaozhi a lot, and I feel this feeling now."

    He thought of the phone call he had with his mother before, "Let's go back to City B to have a look at Big Whale, okay?" , my mother said that the inspection in city B is not strict now, and I want to go home and have a look at you now that you have passed the seventh grade. Zai Zai will be of school age in two years. If I have the ability, I want to send him to school to accept the system Study. For the time being, there is only the school established at the base in city b—"

    "We are a family, you think what you think is what I think. Xiaozhi should be very happy, she can see grandma again." Jiang Changjing threw away the towel and joined Si Huan Lying in bed. "When I was not awake, you came all the way to find me, and followed me around with you. Wherever you want to go now, I will go with you.

    " There are quite a few people here, and your identity will be revealed if we stay for a long time." Si Huan hesitated.

    Jiang Changjing: "After I reached the seventh level, there seems to be a radar in my brain, which can sense whether there are high-level supernatural beings or zombies approaching around me. If there is danger, I can sense it in advance and hide in the space "

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