Noble City IVS: Little Mayhem Begins

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City IVS: Little Mayhem Begins

Nobody could have fully predicted what would have transpired in the wee hours of the morning.

No matter how the premonitions and warnings, she was still too late to prevent what was already inevitable.

The screams of the circus crew did not stop. Their anguish was heard across the tent as the onslaught continued.

It started with a particular individual as he forcefully led the old owner to the carriage. The local guards themselves surprisingly and willingly followed him.

The huge cage was brought to the final curtains earlier than expected passing by the freshly dead bodies of the slain members.

The little girl had witnessed the horrors and was forced to close her eyes as she held unto her father's hand, who in turn was silent.

In the back of her mind, she had now wondered why he wasn't taking action or the fact that he was so calm in the middle of the mess. She tried to call him to snap him out of his trance but to no avail. As if there was something that rendered him emotionless and numb.

Soon, she found herself being brought towards the carriage where she was placed in one corner and kept in darkness for a long period. At least she won't be seeing any more of the traumatic results that plague the circus tents.

Her last memory was seeing her friend, the little dragon inside the cage being brought to a specific area and she wondered if she were ever to see him again.

Then it became quiet thereafter, the darkness had concealed her vision as the carriage finally moved and headed towards the final destination. While her mind was still recovering from the small shock, she continued to think of a way to escape the soonest as.

Except for her father, she had a sense they wouldn't need her anytime soon, and she wanted to make sure that didn't happen.

Although, how was she going to get out first off?

Of course, no mortal could get out of these kinds of situations other than with the help of prayers. So she did the only thing she could do at that moment.

She held her hands and said a prayer specifically to the long-forgotten Goddess.

In these times of trouble, patience and calmness were her only companions. She focused more on the people she would go to and inform them of the horrible situation.

Then in the middle of that, the ground shook and the carriage suddenly halted.

The small girl's eyes widened in astonishment as the guard decided to unlock the door and go outside to investigate the noise. Soon, many voices would be heard, and when she tried to peek, she saw that the carriage had arrived in a bustling district.

Then at the same time, the commotion escalated.

"Look what have you done to my horses!"

GATE: Journey in the New World Vol IOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz