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Apparently all of them agreed except me.
"Stephanie?" Amanda called softly and I sighed. I am thinking of what excuse I can make. Studying has always helped me but I have a feeling it won't this time.
"Stephanie" she called out again and I fiddled with my fingers.
"I can't say" I whispered softly rubbing my hand on my shirt.
"It is going to be so much fun and you better not say studying. That isn't going to help you this time"Lily deadpanned.
Well Yeah I already figured that out.
"I don't think my parents will allow me. I have never left their care for more than a day which is basically the sleepovers we have" I voiced out facing my two audience. Amanda and Lily.
The remaining people have already left me in the hands of this two.
Big Sly!
"That is not an excuse. We promised to make our last year in high school memorable. This trip is a start to that so we are doing this together"Amanda pouted. "But_"
"No buts, you are not making any decisions right now. We attend that meeting and then you make your decision. It better not be a No"Amanda deadpanned and I shuddered.
"Are you threatening me?"I asked in disbelief and she shrugged.
I just turned around and walked to my class thankful I don't have it with them.
They would never understand my reasons. They have got everything they have ever wished for on a gold platter. I grew up with my parents not having enough money to buy me everything.
I am not going to stress them over a meaningless trip.
The expenses is sure going to be high.
The last set before mine went to three different countries using the school private jet. They lodged in the best hotels so imagine how high the expenses is.
I opened the door to class settling in my seat. The teacher walked in and for the first time I didn't have the will to listen to the teacher.
For my future! I forced myself to listen but my mind wasn't there.

I managed to jot down a few things but it wasn't enough. "Hey Sandra, can you lend me your note? I will give you back before the class ends" I asked the girl beside me.
She shifted her glasses up her nose. "Sure no problem" she replied handing me her note. "Thanks" I said and quickly scribbled down the note.
I walked out of class as the bell rings

I had biology next and I was thinking about how much the trip will cost.
I almost tripped on a banana peel since I wasn't looking where I was going.
There is a trash can and I wonder what will take that person to just throw it in the trash can. Some people are just used to having maids do everything for them that they become so lazy.
I entered the class settling down absentmindedly. "Hello guys, today we wouldn't be doing anything much. Just open to page 55 of your textbook and draw the male reproductive system. You do that and I grade you when you are done" the teacher said and there were a few murmurs.
Since I didn't have the textbook, I decided to pair up with Rob since he was my only friend in this class. "Hey Rob" I said immediately I settled in the seat beside him. He glanced up and smiled. "Hey" he replied and raised an eyebrow.
I don't really talk to friends in class so I get why he is confused. "Let us do the diagram together" I replied and he nodded. He opened the textbook and I tried to draw.
Trust me I can't draw to save my life.
I am trying to get the diagram to look exactly like the one in the textbook.
A little chuckle made me glance up. I realized Rob is trying to stifle a laugh at my drawing. I glared at him by rubbing my temple. My thoughts is going haywire now I have to worry about this guy making fun of me. "Sorry but what exactly are you doing?"he asked mischief dancing in his eyes and I rolled my eyes at him. "What does it look like?" I retorted and he chuckled again. "You don't need to beat around the bush. Make fun of me all you want" I snorted.
"I am sorry but I can't help it" he replied trying to stop himself from laughing,
He cleared his throat as if to stop himself. "You going for the trip?" he asked as he actually stopped laughing.
"Not sure" I groaned.
"Why not?"he asked softly.
"Some personal issues" I said dropping my eyes back to my drawing.
I glanced at his drawing from the corner of my eyes and scoffed.
The drawing was perfect no wonder he was making fun of mine.
I walked up to the teacher and handed my note to her. She shakes her head a little amused at my drawing before grading me.
I went back to my seat counting minutes left to the end of the class.
As if on cue, the bell rings and I hurried out of class.
Can't wait for the day to end!

"Nope you don't have a choice in this. We are all going for that meeting"Lily deadpanned and I pouted.
"I am hungry" I lied and she rolled her eyes at me.
"They would probably allow us to get a late lunch or something"Amanda chimed in dragging me to the auditorium.
I really don't want to hear how much the trip is going to cost.
We settled in the third row and I glared at all of them for dragging me down here. They seem unfazed and I groaned. I reached for my phone and AirPods but Amanda snatched them from me. Great now I can't even stream music.
"We are at a meeting. This is bad manners child" she smirked and I glared daggers at her. If stares can kill then she would be buried six feet under the ground.
Daniel takes his position on the stage.
Here we go!
"Hello to you all. Sorry for disrupting your lunchtime. We seniors are free first period after lunch to be able to get food to it"he pursed as people were squealing about the last part.
"Now to the reason why we are all here.
Our senior trip which the school board decided to organize early due to some internal issues. We don't have to worry about that, everything is under control.
The trip is going to take place for a whole week, seven days straight. The places we are visiting is going to be a surprise so I am not sharing that with you now. I know we are all wondering how much this would cost?" he paused glancing at us and I held my breath. I know I am not going to be able to afford this trip. I am going to break my friends' heart.
"It's___ FREE" he shouted and I was shocked.
Holy shit! Is he joking?
He better be serious because I am going to have an heart attack if he says otherwise.
Murmurs started in the hall and I heard a few.
"Free, that is absurd"
"What are they planning?"
"I am so confused"
"This has never happened before"

"Guys, I know you all are confused. Some generous parents decided to sponsor our trip so that everyone will be given a chance to enjoy themselves" he explained and I huffed hearing the last part. I knew he was referring to people like me.
That is all you care about, the good news is you are allowed to go and you don't have to pay a single penny.
I am really excited and I am happy we have generous parents in this school.
"Yeah you all should thank me because my dad professed the idea to the board. If not some of you wouldn't dream of a trip like this " a voice boomed and I scoffed.
Katrina always ruining my mood.
"That information was not needed Katrina" Daniel said with hint of disapproval in his tone. "The trip is next week. So interested people should take this week to prepare. A bus is going to be available to take people from school to our first destination. Make sure to pack clothes of all weather. Trust me guys you are going to have fun. That is all for now. You all can head to the cafeteria for the late lunch" he ended and was immediately applauded.
I watched as he headed back to his friends. Asher patted him on the back as they walked out. The guy that flooded my thoughts with just one conversation.
I even dreamed of him and I getting married. That is totally absurd right.
My mind tends to go over board.
"Stephanie" a voice called out and I turned my attention back to my friends who were looking at me with expectant eyes. I rolled my eyes internally.
"Are you going?" Amanda asked softly and I felt they all held their breath waiting for my answer.
I already know the answer to that.
Everyone is going to be happy even me!

It was so obvious she was going to go. I know some of you would hate me if I don't allow her to go.
Now the real fun starts.
How was your own senior year trip or any trip you have ever gone on.
Share your experience!
As for me I haven't really gone on any trip except the one with my parents.
Don't forget to

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