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I glanced at her as I finished taking my test and waited at the front for her. Everything about affects her so much than I can ever imagine. Is it her voice that has a way of making me feel things or should just simplify it as her everything. I love her hair and her lips. Her hair is naturally soft and silky. Her strawberry shampoo that always allure me and messes with my head. Her lips are so addicting that I can never get enough of it. It is like the water needed to quench my thirst each time. She always looks stunning and she doesn't have to try hard.
Right now, staring at her in her simple top and jeans. I took my eyes off her with much agony to address the people as the host. I addressed them and snuck up to her back. I wrapped a hand around her waist and loved that she instantly relaxed into my touch. I greeted and stared into her blue eyes that managed to draw me in each time. She complained that I kept my plans about the party from her and I couldn't help but want to kiss her. I settled for a chuckle and she was annoyed at that. This is my gurl.
All I wanted to do when I saw her in that bikini was to rip it off her. I didn't think she was ready for that. When I kissed her in that pool, I couldn't but ignite it because my junior didn't like that.
As if the torture wasn't enough, that fucking red dress almost made me slip out of control. The dance was nice and I just never thought I could settle for a girl.
I was mad when I saw her talking to Katrina but she assured me it was nothing. Then I realized I haven't really talked to the boys all night.
"You are so whipped Asher"Matthew commented and I flipped him off.
"You and your girlfriend have been lost in your little bubble ignoring everyone"Daniel stated the obvious and I ran my fingers through my hair.
"Never thought this day would come"Angelo commented and I chuckled agreeing with him.
"You better head back to your girl because she keeps glancing over here"Nick said pointing at her. I didn't want to go back to her so that they wouldn't think I am totally whipped. I admit I am a whipped a bit. I can just leave her by herself so I said my goodbyes. They mocked me and I showed them the middle finger. I made my way back to my girl.
Her face lightened up as I made my way over to her. "Sorry"the girl that poured her drink on my shirt said.
"It's fine" I said with a forced smile staring at the big stain.
"I could just_"
"I will do it myself" I said and headed over to my girl.
I knew she wanted to make fun of me but I am pleased she didn't.
I headed to my room and yanked off the jacket and the shirt.
It's ruined so I went into my walk in closet to get another. I will go with a black shirt this time because there are lot of clumsy people walking around.
I scanned through my clothes trying to decide on which one to pick. It seems hard as usual. It's not only girls that find it hard to choose what to wear.
I heard the door to the room open so I went out expecting Stephanie. She must have come here to help me and I have definitely got lot of things that I need help with. "Babe_"the words got stuck in my mouth as I stared at her.
"What are you doing here?" I growled and she smirked walking towards me. I took a step back widening my eyes at what she was wearing. A lacy bra that nearly covers nothing and the same goes for the panties. "I know you want me like who wouldn't want to this"she smirked and moved towards me. I maintained my grounds hoping she was going to step back. I threw a menacing glare wishing she will get the hint and get the fuck out.
If this had happened a year ago, I would have definitely taken her offer. Now,I have a girlfriend and I would always stay committed to her. What is the essence of dating if I can't be with only her? I can just be a player and have my way with so many girls. Dating someone comes with the commitment responsibility. "I would give you a mind blowing sex just the way you like it"she smiled and trailed a hand round my bare chest making me regret not putting up a T-shirt. I caught her hand and held it to stop her from touching me. She stood on her tiptoe and held the back of my head. Before I could even process what was happening, she planted her lips on mine.
The door opened as I yanked her off me.
My heart clenched I saw the person that walked in. She is definitely going to break up with me. No girl can ever believe the guy in a situation like this. I should have locked my room and ask her to come up with me. My heart broke to see her crying then she started laughing like she had gone crazy. I hope I haven't ruin her. My history as a player wouldn't help matters here. I was livid as Katrina started spewing nonsense about something that never happened. I told her to shut up but that kept her going.
My eyes widened as Stephanie said things that were confusing. Then she moved towards me and I closed my eyes allowing her to take out all her anger on me. I would definitely be single by the end of the day always because of this girl.
"Of all places to touch, you had to kiss him. That is my favorite thing to do"she said pouting staring at his lips. I was shocked to the core because she is acting weird. Why isn't she flaring up and telling me that we are done? Or is this some kind of my imagination because I don't want to lose her. She is the first girl to ever mean so much to me so this was be a figment of my mind.
I wasn't sure I was imagining when she kissed my chest making her lipstick mark all over.
Katrina left and I definitely didn't want to return to the party. Some people were snooping on us so I wouldn't be surprised if the whole school population knows what happened by now.
I went to bring her the shirt she asked for and was surprised to see her standing in her underwear. I was to shocked to react but didn't miss the smirk plastered on her face. She was so beautiful but the show ended before it even started. She put on the shirt and I hugged her tight wanting to believe all this is real.
She said those beautiful words and I couldn't help but kiss her afterwards.
She had to wrap her fucking legs around my waist. I pressed my lips against her hard wanting to get enough. I don't know how I don't get bored of doing this. Every new kiss gets better than the previous.
I carried her to the bed with our lips attached and placed her gently on the bed. I hovered over her but didn't place my entire weight on her. I slipped my hands under the shirt and I smirked as I felt her breath hitched. I trailed my hand loving the way her body always respond to me. I rested my hand just below her breast and moved my lips from hers to her collarbone. She moaned and gave me more access. I still haven't punished her for joking around. She was about to place her lips back on mine but I pulled away getting up from the bed. She flushed and sit up straight. "When you started talking, I thought you really believed what you saw" I said crossing my hands over my chest making my muscles budge. I watched her swallow hard as she stared at that simple action. Thank goodness we both feel the same way. Simple action from the other affects us so bad.
"It was payback time. The time when Katrina,Jeez it hurts to even utter her name. The time she showed you a picture of Ian and I, remember you did the same thing"she pouted and I nodded finally understanding it all.
"You are mean" I blurted out and she rolled her eyes. "Did you know how I felt when you did that? I felt my heart break but now you know how I felt"she smirked and I puffed.
"You want to take a shower because you have my lipstick all over"she said with a smug look staring at her work.
"Was this really necessary?"I asked gesturing to my body.
"I have always wanted to do that without the lipstick. I had to do that to show her who you belong to"she said with proud smile and I flashed her my signature smile. "Feisty much, I like"I said and headed to the bathroom.
I took a shower and cleaned off the lipstick mark. I put on a pair of joggers only and headed back out. "Aren't you going to take a shower?"I asked and she sighed. "I am so tired to take one but I have to remove my underwear"she said and I swallowed hard. Did she really have to tell me that? She is really messing with my mind without even realizing it.
She got up and headed to the bathroom completely oblivious to what was going on in my mind.
I saw messages from my Matthew.
Matthew- we heard what happen. Did Stephanie really do all of that? We already sent everyone home and  we already left too. We didn't tell you we were leaving because we didn't want to walk into whatever is going on in your room.
I chuckled after reading the message and decided to send a quick reply.
Thanks mates! My girl is crazy. We didn't have sex, we just talked.
Minus the fact that we made out. The door to the bathroom opened making me look up. She was wearing my shirt only and her hair was damped from taking a shower. "I can't sleep without taking a shower so I had to. Even though I am tired"she said getting under the sheets.
I laid down and we faced each other.
"You can ask for my help another time" I said slipping in my Italian accent.
"I will take up your offer on that"she replied and I smirked glad she flirted back. She sighed and moved getting on top of me. She laid her head on my chest and I ran my hand through her hair securing the other on her waist. "You are really weird. Any girlfriend would have broke up with the guy immediately"I said as a laugh escaped from my lips.
She giggled as she trailed a hand around my chest. "Guess I am just not any girl. Besides I am your weirdo"she said looking up and gave me a weird smile.
"You are starting to look creepy"I smirked.
"Good thing that I am your creep"she smiled still trailing her hands round my abs. I was amused trying to figure out what she was playing at. So I tried another word. "You are beautiful" I said and tucked the falling on her face behind her ear. "I am definitely your beauty"she replied smiling and I chuckled understanding what she was doing.
"Keep going"she said and I tried to look for another word. "You are admiring"I said. She is because what she did there was admiring. She believed in me ignoring what she saw with her eyes.
"I am always your number one admirer"
"Really?" I asked and she nodded.
"You are stunning"I said
"I am your stunner"she replied happy about this. I looked for a word that would jinx this game. Can I even call it a game?
"You are hilarious"I said and she purses her lips to think of a reply.
"I am your hilar, hilay, hilary"she said and I started laughing. She smacked my hands a bit hard but I didn't feel anything.
I just chuckled. "What are you made of? A rock"she pouted staring at my face.
"Pure muscles babe. A rock,really?"
"I don't even see you workout"she pouted.
"I do it every morning. I wake up before you do" I said and she nodded and covered her mouth as she let out a yawn.
"You are tired, you should go to sleep" I said and she nodded closing her eyes.
"You will have to carry me all night because this position is comfy. I must tell you, I am pretty heavy"she opened an eye and toss me a playful wink.
"That is where I put this muscles into use" I smirked and she giggled.
I kept running my hands through my hair and watched her. I smiled as I heard her soft snores. She is still mine even after what happened. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me in a while.
I closed my eyes wanting to fall into this deep slumber called sleep.
I opened my eyes and adjusted to the bright light. I looked around to see her sleeping peacefully by my side. We must have moved a lot in our sleep to acquire this position. Her mouth was slightly ajar and a part of her hair fell over her face. I removed the hair from her face and kissed her hair. I got up and my breath hitched as I saw that my shirt has moved up. Exposing her thigh and I groaned. Of all things to happen, does she want me to get blue balls? I quickly pulled the shirt down and pulled the covers up to her waist.
I ran my hands through my hair in frustration and headed to my walk in closet. I wore a t-shirt and shorts. I put on a pair of sneakers and grabbed my phone and headphone. I walked out to the room and down the stairs. I wasn't surprised to see everywhere sparkling even though there was a party last night in here. I headed outside to start my morning run round the house. I started a random playlist and started jogging. I love the wind blowing in my face as I move.
I move to the gym when I finished that. I run on the treadmill, do some exercises and lift weights. I put on my boxing gloves wanting to punch something to get rid of my frustration. I have been trying to get the image of her thighs all morning but it is proving so fucking hard to do.
I punched the punching bag letting out all my frustration. To think I can go months without sleeping with a girl. I used to think that was impossible back in days when I was a player. I chuckled at the thought and groaned as my punching bag worn out. I removed my gloves and headed back to my room. I sighed as I saw her lower half still tuck into the covers. I headed to the bathroom and took a cold shower. I put on a black sweatshirt and shorts. I headed downstairs to prepare breakfast. The maids might have cleaned the house but my mom wouldn't let them cook for me. Part of the dumb responsibility act.
I prepared bacon and eggs, pancakes and hash browns. I placed them on a tray and decided to surprise her. I headed upstairs with it and smiled at the fact she is still knocked out. I placed the tray on the coffee table and headed to the bed. I got in and started placing feathery kisses on her neck. She moaned from her sleep and I looked amused. Her body reacts to me even in her sleep.
"Baby"I whispered and she hummed.
She finally opened her eyes and stared at my eyes. "What time is it?"she asked looking around.
"Almost noon" I said and she sit up straight knocking her head with mine.
"Ouch!"she winced whereas I didn't feel anything. "And you say you aren't a rock?"she pouted and I leaned in to kiss it away. She placed a hand on my lips stopping me. "Not doing this without brushing my teeth"
"I don't care" I mumbled and she shook her head. "You woke up damn early to be dressed already"she stood up and I followed suit.
"Take a shower quickly, I have a surprise for you" I said staying in front of her to stop her from seeing the tray.
She raised an eyebrow then smiled. She headed to the bathroom without a word.
I heard the water trickling down afterwards. The door opened later with her wearing my hoodie and shorts. It didn't look short on her.
"I made you breakfast" I said pointing to the table rubbing a hand on my neck.
"When did you become romantic?"she asked and I had the answer on my tongue.
You Stephanie Walker made me this way.
I smiled and led her to the table. I made her sit on the couch and settled beside her. I opened it and she smiled. "Thank you"she said and I smiled.
"Anytime. What do you want?"I said staring at her.
"If I say everything, would that be weird?"she asked and I chuckled.
"You are always weird so that isn't new"I said and she pouted.
I leaned in and pecked her lips.
"You aren't suppose to eat out of this because you prepared it specially for me"she said grabbing a plate.
"You are willing to make me starve after goin through some much trouble to prepare this" I said and she rolled her eyes. "I can only give you out of the pancake"she said and I shook my head at her.
This girl!

Double update!
I couldn't leave you guys hanging for to long.
Did you like what happened to Katrina?
Stephanie is really weird right?
I love writing Asher's POV.
Who is your favorite character so far?

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