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Why did I decide to stay back today of all days? I watched as rain continued pouring from the sky at an alarming rate and winds started to blow.
It looked like an hurricane was coming.
I decided to stay back at the library after school to read for a while. My friends left long ago and there is no way I can make it to the bus stop at this rate. I don't know how I am going to get home. I have got no money for a taxi home. There is no way I am taking that dark alleyway at this time.
I don't want to disturb my parents since they are both working late tonight.
I sighed when a large flash of lightening followed by crash of thunder.
"See you later man" I heard and turned to the direction of the voice.
I saw Asher doing a bro hug with Daniel and Matthew. Why does he also have to be here? He hasn't talked to me after that party which was last week. I don't remember most of it but I remembered him leaving abruptly. The hungover I had the next day was killing and I decided to always be the responsible one.
"What are you still doing here?" a voice asked making me look up .
"I was at the library studying" I replied and was curious to know why he was still here. "You?" I asked leaning against the wall and faced him.
"We had practice" he replied and I nodded in understanding.
"How are you going to get home?" he asked and I smiled inwardly at his concern for me.
"I don't know honestly. The bus has already left and my friends too" I pouted fiddling with my fingers.
"Let me drop you home" he said and my eyes widened.
Drop me up as in riding in his car alone with him to my small home. What if he stops talking to me because I am way below his standards?
I think he knew that before he approached you. He doesn't just talk to anyone so consider yourself lucky!
"You don't _"
"How are you going to get home? So just accept my help, no strings attached"
"Okay. I am really thankful for this"
"No problem"
"We have a little problem" he said and I raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"We have gotta run to the carpark where my car is parked. I would have brought the car over here to avoid you getting wet but..." he paused running his fingers through his hair and I nodded in understanding.
"It is okay"
"Well_" he started and I gave a small nod.
We ran to the carpark and located his car easily; there wasn't much car present.
I tried not to stare awe at Carrera Porsche. I know little about cars but I know this is damn expensive.
We got into the car quickly and I gawked at the sleek black interior. Black leather adored the seats and the art system stereo was installed. It screamed money. I felt bad that I was ruining it with my wet clothes.
Our clothes were soaked. My T-shirt cling to my skin and was almost see through. Why didn't I just wear a hoodie today? This is so embarrassing.
He put the key in the ignition,started the engine with a purr and proceeded to drive out of the carpark.
There was a soft hum of music that played through the speakers but it was too quiet to be heard.
"Your address?" he asked and I gave it to him. He used to GPS to navigate his way to my house.
My crush is going to my house.
It feels surreal.
I am curious to know what he is going to think of me.
Let's see how the thing goes

This is a really short chapter because I decided to split it up.
I know what you guys want so I am finally fulfilling your wish.

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