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Waking up today wasn't so hard and for the first time I smiled at the alarm that woke me up.
I stretched my hands and yawned.
I made my bed and headed to my wardrobe. I already packed everything I needed into my small box.
I didn't know what to pack so I packed literally everything in my wardrobe.
I choose a camouflage skirt and black crop top pairing it with my white vans I purchased from the store.
I headed to the bathroom and took a long relaxing shower.
I applied my lotion and put on my fresh clothes. I admired myself and like what was staring back at me.
I walked back to my room and thought on what to do to my hair standing in front of my mirror.
I decided to French braid my hair.
I decided to put a little effort in dressing up. I applied some mascara and eyeliner with my lipgloss.
The girls are sure going to tease me about it. It is not everyday Stephanie Walker pit effort into this. I will probably do this for a whole week. I might even meet my Prince Charming on this trip.
Yeah right.
Anything can happen you know. Tomorrow is unpredictable.
I was surprised when I looked at my reflection in the mirror.
Damn I look hot. I don't look like me.
Yeah we know you look good so we don't need it to get in your head too much.
One of this days, I am going to look for a potion I can kill you with. I can definitely survive without you. You are suppose to make me feel good about myself and not otherwise.
Like that is possible. The only way that is possible is if you kill yourself but we are going to go to afterlife together. So you are still going to be stuck with me.
I ignored the comment and proceeded to take a full body picture.
I timed my camera and snapped it.
I dragged my box out and it was kinda heavy.
I almost collided with my mom as I opened the door. "I was just about to come and wake you_" she paused and she looked up at me. She gasped and I rolled my eyes at her. "Is this really my daughter or she has been swapped overnight?" she breathed out and I snorted silently.
"I guess you are seeing my twin sister" I pouted and she rolled her eyes at me.
"You  look good honey" she said and I grinned at her.
"Thanks mom" I replied.
She dragged my hand and pulled me to the living room. She grabbed her phone and pointed it at me. I was beyond confused. "Pose" she ordered and I scoffed. "It's not prom mom" I pouted and  she glared at me.
"Well it's not everyday I get to see my daughter like this" she replied and I take a pose. The camera went off a few times before she was satisfied.
I couldn't smell any aroma so I have to settle for cereals.
The best thing she can do is to cook me a nice meal before sending me off.
It's not like she is sending you off for marriage. I am sure it is going to be the best week of her life.
You are really making lot of appearance today.
"I am sorry honey I couldn't make you breakfast. I wasn't able to wake up early as usual due to fatigue. Good thing It's my day off so I am sleeping all day" she said and hugged me.
"That is good. You would be able to rest well"she smiled at my words.
"I will miss you so much" she said hugging me tight.
"You and dad should try to spend quality time together. Like old times before I came along" I said smiling.
Well it should be like a bonding week for the two of them. They wouldn't have me to worry about. She smiled at me. "You know you are the best thing that ever happen to us. We will try our best to spend time with each other"
"That is good. Make sure to tell dad I love him so much. I will miss you both so much" I said feeling sad all of a sudden.
"Will do. Now go and eat breakfast so you wouldn't miss the bus" she said and I rushed to the kitchen quickly.
I grabbed my Cheerios box and poured some into a bowl.
I added milk and water before scooping some into my mouth. My mom waited for me on the couch to finish eating.
I washed the bowl quickly and headed to the living room. "Have you packed everything you are going to need?" she asked glancing at my box. "Yes mom" I replied and she stands up to give me the last hug.
"Bye honey, make sure to text me when you get to your destination" she said and I nodded at her.
She opened the door for me and I headed to the bus station.
Silently praying the bus hasn't left.
I try to run but that was impossible with my heavy box.
I breath out a sigh of relief when I sighted the bus.

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