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I squealed loud as I saw the 'welcome to Chicago'
"Never been here before"
"I know"
"Where are we staying?"I ignored his smug look.
"My family has an apartment in the Loop. Practically, called the center of the town"
"I can't wait to see that. Why did we arrive a day early than the others" I wanted to hear his reply again.
"Just some alone time together"
"I like the sound of that"he raised an eyebrow and I shrugged.
"I can't wait to stretch my legs"I muttered and stuffed my mouth with Cheetos.
He loaded his car with so many snacks to last us for drive here.
I turned to the window and glanced around.
This is beautiful!
It's really going to happen here.
"You would love this place"
"I can't agree less"
Gotta stop thinking aloud.
"How many minutes do we have left?"
"Max of fifteen minutes"
"Thank goodness. I think I am going to take a nap"
"Fifteen minutes?"he gave me a pointed look and I mimicked his look.
"Nine hundred seconds"he rolled his eyes.
I scoffed and rested my head.
I closed my eyes.
"Wake up" I pouted and turned to the other side.
I heard a low groan before I was lifted into the air. I snuggled more into the warmth radiating from the hard thing I was resting on.
I landed on something soft and moaned.
"Wake up cupcake"a hand shook me gently and I groaned.
I forced myself to open my eyes.
"Don't you need to change out of this clothes?"Asher asked as I sat up.
"I am tired. Undress me and change me into one of your shirts"he started coughing.
I giggled because this was really funny.
""his cheeks actually turned tinted pink.
"Is the mighty Asher blushing because he is shy?"
"Blushing! What? I just thought that really came out of nowhere"he replied puffing and I laughed.
He leaned forward and proceeded to unbutton my shirt.
""It was my time to stutter and feel embarrassed.
"Helping you undress"he replied like it was no big deal like he didn't just feel shy now. I quickly got out of the bed with my cheeks tinted pink.
"I will do it myself. Just pass me one of your shirt"
"Suit yourself"
"Your shirt?"
"You already have more than enough. If you continue like this, I would have no shirt left to wear"
"Come on, you can never run out of clothes. You have hundreds of just a single type of clothing"
"You also have a lot"he retorted and I pouted.
"Where is my suitcase?" I asked looking around finally noticing how huge the room was.
The walls were painted with grey paints. There were two doors at either side of the room. The bed was king sized and contained lots of pillows.
There was a huge glass wall beside it was a door leading to the balcony which gives a wonderful view at night.
"Right here"he pointed to a corner and I walked to it. I opened it to take out my towel, soap, lotion and toothbrush.
"Here"his voice came up behind me and I turned to him.
He gave me a shirt and sweatpants.
I grinned and pecked his lips.
"You are amazing"
"I know"
"Just take the fucking compliment"
"Thank you"he replied and I pecked his lips again.
"I am going to the kitchen to prepare a turkey sandwich. Do you want some?"he asked and I shook my head.
"I am filled"
"Okay"he walked out and I strode to the bathroom.
It looked just like his bathroom back home. I stripped off and prepared a warm bath in the jacuzzi.
I entered it and moaned.
This feels so good.
I stayed in there for so long and finally decided to get out.
I dried myself and brushed my teeth.
I put on the clothes he gave me and walked out.
I put on my slippers and headed out.
He was sitting in the huge living room and focused on the tv.
I found the kitchen at the side and headed to it. I grabbed a bottle of water and swallowed the pills.
I gulped down water after and shuddered.
I headed back to the living room and I settled beside him.
"Let's finish Friends?"he asked and I nodded.
I snuggled up to him and concentrated on the tv.
I kept taking secret glances at him appreciating his features.
"Why do you keep staring at me?"he asked without turning to me.
"I don't know" I replied and he turned to me with an arched eyebrow.
I met his gaze and pecked his lips.
"What was that for?"he asked.
"I don't know" I pecked his lips again.
Again and again!
"Okay now you are being weird"
"Am I?"I pouted and he shook his head.
He pulled me closer and settled me on his lap. "If you want to kiss me, you should do it properly"
"I can do that" I put my hand at the back of his head and put my lips on his.
He wrapped his hands around my waist and took control.
I moaned as he ran his hands through my hair.
Every touch on my body ignited something in me. The kiss was getting more intense every seconds.
He pulled away not opening his eyes. "If we don't stop now, I wouldn't be able to control myself anymore"he said in his deep husky voice.
"What if I don't want us to stop?"his eyes flew opened and had a shocked expression.
"I don't want you to stop"I whispered and held his face in my hands.
"Are you sure? I am leaving soon and I hope you aren't pressured into this. I didn't make you feel like we have gotta do this right?"
"This is all me. I am confident. I am ready to know why all the girls want a night with you knowing it would lead to heartbreak in the end"
"I don't lack in that aspect. I am sorry to disappoint you, I don't think we can do this because I don't have CD with me. I wasn't expecting you to want this"he sighed and I smiled.
"Why are you smiling like that?"
"I am on pills"his eyes widened and I smirked.
"How long have you been thinking about this?"
"Long before you told me you were leaving"
I got up from his lap and led him to his room.
"Take my breath away"I whispered into his ear and settled on the edge of the bed.
"Oh I am going to do more than that"
I rested my hand on my elbow to be able to watch him.
Last night was magical!
We actually did it.
I lost my V-card to him.
He didn't lack in that aspect at all. Those girls were exaggerating.
He treated me with care and was really gentle.
It was all I imagined my first night to be.
It was bittersweet experience.
I don't regret it nonetheless.
"You being creepy again?"his eyes opened slowly and I blushed.
"I am just thinking"
"About..."he plopped down on his elbow and faced me. His morning voice was to die for and I crossed my leg over the other.
"Last night"he covered his mouth to hide a yawn. "What about it?"the sheets slid off a bit revealing his chest.
We were very much naked under the sheet. The bloody blanket was discarded but we were to tired to wash up.
I couldn't even remember how many rounds we did.
"It was amazing"he smiled at me.
"Do you feel sore?"he asked and I nodded.
"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you"
"It was going to happen anyway being my first time. You were really gentle with me"
He got up and I quickly covered my eyes.
What the fuck?!
I heard a deep chuckle but didn't open my eyes. "It's not like you didn't see everything yesterday"he said and I blushed. "It's so early to see you in your baby suit again"
"You are weird. I will run you a bath to help you with the soreness"
I heard the door open and close so it was safe to open my eyes.
"Aargh!!!!"I screamed at the sight in front of me.
"It wasn't so hard, was it?"he smirked standing in front of me stark naked.
"You thought so. Get up and I will help you wash up"my ears turned red at that.
SHOWER together?!!
"Come on"he grumbled and I took deep breaths.
He moved forward and cupped my face in his hands. "Your body is to die for. Never be embarrassed to show it off. Last night's love making was the best I have ever had. Funny because you are the only girl I have ever made love to"my heart fluttered at his words and I smiled at him.
He extended his hand and I took it.
I got out of the comfort of the sheet and we walked hand in hand to the bathroom.
"Fuck"I cursed because it was kinda hard to walk with the pain.
"This should make you feel better"he said as he ran the bath in the jacuzzi.
I hope this fucking works.
I put on a hoodie and shorts after we washed up. I help him scrub while he did the same. We did some unholy things in there. The shower really did help sooth the pain.
I took out the frying pan and pancake mix. I turned on the stove to get cooking.

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