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William pov

I had arrived at wellsten for an audience with the headmaster.

The two individuals in question were Vaughn and the Keene.

"Good afternoon Mr. William"
Said Vaughn

"I'm here to see john, as his father I deserve to be there with him" said William with sorrowful tone trying to display a professional tone of which everyone could see through.

William was utterly crushed by the news and came to wellsten with a pre conceived notion.

Vaughn was someone extremely powerful running one of the most prestigious schools in the nation dealing with a destructive high ranker breaking the pre established hierarchy.

William knew this all too well. In this society a human life doesn't matter just power, and while john was gifted with power that power was turned against his authority.

Vaughn cleared his throught and started speaking "let me just say your son John was someone who despite his tendencies left a lasting impact on the school he's not the first to be crushed under this hierarchy system and he sure won't be the last"

"That being said your son has had an incredibly positive impact on our students at the top, it is because of John that they see much more clearly how broken and evil this cycle of abuse has been it is a tragedy I'm sorry for your loss and my failure to protect him."
Said vaughn.

To say I was taken aback would have come as an understatement this man in front of me saw John's actions as not a disturbance but a positive lesson to other high tiers on the cruelty of the hierarchy.

Suddenly it all made sense to me why wellsten would accept John and why he was able to get away with so much during his stay here, and as it all sank in I got extremely angry.

William's expression turned to one of anger as he jolted from the seat.
"So you're telling me you used John just so you could prove a point to some high tiers!? Is that what John was to you? Not a student but A pawn in your game to covertly change people to the way you see fit?"

There was tension in the asmashpre Vaughn saw right to answer William head on.

"I understand that and can acknowledge your anger as warranted given the outcome, When john walked into this office I'll admit he had all the qualities I was looking for. Charismatic, empathetic and powerful I was hoping he would lead this school in a positive way. it is because of tragic cases such as John's that people need to see that power isn't everything"

Lowering down his head vaugh said
"I am turely sorry for what happened and you have every right to hate me"

"If you are truly sorry please let see my son" said William

Vaughn respecting William responded with honesty.
"we haven't found him" said Vaughn in a serious tone.

"Elaborate" I said

"After our student Arlo reported John's suicide we dispatched a search party along with Keene"

Keene spoke up "I'm not sure you know but my ability let's me keep track of large areas and the people that walk in and out of it. however no matter how big my field was i had no luck finding John and believe me someone as powerful as him would have stuck out of course if he was alive that is. But neither me or anyone else could find his body it's unusual because we covered a lot of ground and even quarantined the area"

"Not to mention we had other search related abilities looking for him"

After Keene was done explaining Vaughn spoke up with clear intent.

"I don't want to give you false hope but since arlo's report and the assembly of the search party not much time could have happened"

Adding more information he said.

"ontop of that he had the barrier ability copied meaning it could very well be possible for him to survive such a fall"

Inside of me I felt a small glimmer of hope.

I had hope that John was alive, that he was doing well.

"You will be the first to know of any information you have my word"


William POV

Jane and now John I have lost them both, when will enough be enough?
How do I even move on. Looking on at the dusk orange sky a thought lingered in my mind.

I miss you John.....

As I was about to leave the school grounds I saw a familiar face.

She looked at me her face seemed numb and void of it's emotion from our last encounter.

I mumbled "sera"

She walked up to me.

"I..i...I'm sorry I should've done more I was his friend and I failed him.....I failed you."

There was no crying no dramatic encounter or proclamation..just defeat in two people.
I can see very clearly that sera as someone who was not only close to john emotionally to John but also in the physical vicinity she felt guilt as If she was responsible or had the power to stop any of this. She is no more a victim than I am.


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