13:John vs Bakugo

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John's POV

So the first fight is between me and some girl from class B named shiozaki. I looked at my former cavalry teammate tokoyami and asked him.

"You wouldn't happen to know who Shiozaki is" I asked.

"I thinks she's the green haired girl of class B from what I've seen her quirk is very strong so it might be a hard fight for you even if you were to copy her" he said.

From the looks of it tokoyami seems to think she has me beat in raw power, I appreciate his honesty and it's probably accurate to think that.

"I see" I said trying to move on

But he said something unexpected
"Good luck I'm sure you'll figure something out.

I was unsure how act he seemed to treat me in a friendly manner but I still find it hard to believe anyone can actually be genuine but even so I responded "sure"

As time passed we were given a break so people watching on tv could go over the highlights this also worked in favor for the fighters because they could see the type of abilities their opponents would have for me I was able to see shiozaki's ability.

It's strong.

Her hair is made up of strong green vines and from the looks of it

It can go underground while defending and attacking.

If I want to beat her with one singular unamplified ability I need a plan.

My mind as if out immediate instinct immediately came up with the best possible ablity to copy against her.

Todoroki's ability even if weaker would be a crushing match against her even the ice would be effective....

That being said it's unlikely for that to happen even if I were to ask he would say no.

But above that it's because he hates the very idea.

Todoroki despite having fire at his disposal has only used his ice even back during training he only used his fire to melt the ice.

He hates his ability and has shunned it away that's why when I copied him during the cavalry and blatantly used the fire aspect of his ability
he looked at me with hatred and disgust.

No matter what he will never give it up willingly.

But I have to think of something.

my eyes suddenly panned over to the large stadium filled with people cheering and enjoying the show and just like that I had my answer.


I got an invitation from hagakure to hang out with her and ojjiro after the cavalry event.

I had originally planned to ignore it but on second thoughts I accepted.

After a bit of walking in the building I found myself in a cafeteria with the two of them sitting in a table

"So you're fighting first John, are you nervous?" Said ojjiro.

"Not in the slightest whatever happens happens"i said with a calm tone.

Hagakure spoke up "I'm surprised you came I mean you barely talk with anyone in class I figured you found me annoying and ignored me"

"Well there might be some truth to that" I responded bluntly

Taken aback by the fact I indirectly called her annoying she said "you can't just call me annoying nonchalantly" she said.

"I'm just glad you dropped the gel for good" said hagakure trying to get even.

"I don't even use that much besides why do care?"I asked slightly annoyed

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