6:Hero Training

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Izuku's POV

Hey midoriya how's your finger doing.

"Oh it fine I had recovery girl look after me"

You know at first I was scared of this guy but he's just extremely serious about school I monologueed to my self

Heyy deku. called out uraraka

That's your name right?

"Actually that's just a nickname that ka-chan uses to insult me"

That bakugo kid really has it out for you.

Well I think it sounds great.

"Um....well deku it is!"

Wow really didn't you say that name was an insult.

John POV

Are these people even turust worthy, well at the end of the day they want to risk their lives on saving people so I can at least respect them in that sense.

Man I'm a fucking coward!

The Next day

In mornings it was regular core class(which were boring by the way) some things never change

Then after all that was over we all went to the cafeteria for now I decided to avoid classmates and just get my food another interesting fact about this world is that there is a lot more media, restaurants, sports and even quality of life products

I will say the cafeteria food is wayy better than I thought.

Well that period ended quickly time for what most students were looking forward to UA's hero training everyone was just sitting in their assigned seats.

Everyone heard a voice coming from the door


Before anyone responded the door blasted open and showed All Might shouting

"Walking through the door like a normal person!"

Everyone around me stared looking at All might with admiration it seems he's more popular than I thought.

But I know for a fact that guy has multiple abilities

When you all enrolled into UA submitted a hero costume forum, they say customs make the hero as of today your all heroes in my eye, think of today as heroing 101.

Naturally, a lot of students were asking questions All Might seemed to be stuck in a pinch and was reading a rule book

The questions ranged

"Is there risk of expulsion?

"What are the rules?

"How will teams be assigned?

"How badly can we hurt the other team?

That last one sounds like something I would say.

All Might explained the rules of the villain team and hero team

I looked at the teams I was assigned with katiski bakugo on the villain team we would face the hero team izuku and ochaco.

Just my luck I'm stuck with rooftop guy.

Aside from that his ability is strong and versatile after all he scored the highest in the mock test.

All might told the four of us to go to the buildings

After me and bakugo made it to the top we were told to wait for the count down

"Hey rooftop kid it's better if you stay here and guard seeing as you have the better ability, I can just stall till time runs out"

I was getting ready to leave the door

Bakugo quickly walked towards the door and pushed me to the gourd.

"Out of my way copycat"

I simply stood up and replied

"You know "bakugo" for being such an entitled jackass you're still the only the second most annoying blonde I had the displeasure of working with"

"Active your ability so I can at least copy it"

"Fine whatever"

He then stormed out

Ok it's obvious that he's going to target izuku so the one I should expect is gravity girl.

First, dispose of any items in the room that can be used on me.

I had my "hero outfit" so I had an edge in utility.

A good chunk of time had passed I'm sure bakugo was still trying to beat izuku.

I was close to the bomb in order to defend until I noticed a girl hiding behind a pillar.

I pretended not to see her. To be honest it felt like neither of us had a plan so why waste energy I told myself.

After a few minutes passed by suddenly, a strong airwave came from below

Ochaco suddenly ran out used her ability on the giant pillar.

Using her ability on the pillar swinging manny tiny rocks in my direction.

I mostly dodged the incoming rocks

The one that were undodgeable I simply exploded.

My passive let me detect ochaco Jumping to my left aiming for the bomb I couldn't stop her there was still a crap ton of rocks flying my way.

She managed to touch the bomb and we lost.


that Izuku kid is Impressive all that power in a simple airwave caused by pure strength

Timeskip(Viewing room)

All might: And The MVP of that training exercise is John!

All might:Now students why despite john being on the losing side is he the MVP

Yaoyorozu: That's because Bakugo instead of guarding the bomb for greater odds of victory he was motivated by a grudge, Izuku was left immobilized and Ochaco compromised her location not believing in the spirit of the exercise.

However, John took the most precaution in his actions but he wasn't aggressive enough to win.

well to be honest even I was surprised.

I for the remaining Time was just watching other students fight some of the abilities I witnessed were impressive.

Time skip

Well anyway, I should probably head back.

Bye everyone I said

Wait you're John right?

"Yeah that's me"

"Would you like to hang out with us after school?"

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