17:Hero Internships pt 2

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John's POV

I took the bullet train suitcase in hand while standing.

The train arrived at my stop and I got off.

internships were supposed to give us experience for the real world on top of that we as a class already had a combat with villains.

However the sense of "real world" is out of place compared to my old world.

No no, it's better to say completely different on top of that the typical "quirk" types are different from the typical abilities in my world.

Medical abilities are a good example, in this world of quirks abilities based on healing do exist but
In my world it's way more common in fact it's so common that it's become a position in turf wars with the inclusion being optional.

Elaine would probably be quite popular if she ended up in this world she can heal shattered bones like it's nothing

But that doesn't matter it's not like that entitled bitch deserves to be put on a pedestal.

I looked dead ahead I had been walking for a bit

This must be it the building resembled a "fire station" with a huge garage entrance in the middle.

I walked to a door on the left side of the building to see a person standing there.

I gave a modest tone while looking at the guy "I'm John is this backdraft's agency?"

The man shuffled through a notepad" right on schedule you're here for the internship, the changing room is down the hall near the showers after you're done we'll all meet up in the main room"

I walked past the guy

(Changing room)

I learned a little before coming here
More specifically about backdraft's ability

His ability is "hydrokinesus"
And he's a pro who focuses on rescue operations more specifically fire situations.

I undid the two clicks on my box and opened it, there was a note above my outfit

"The support course has modified your outfit for an improved performance we hope you wellcome your new changes the listed modifications are listed in the email we sent"

"Sincerely the support course"

I didn't even know they had my email

I didn't want to keep anyone waiting so I fitted my outfit.

My classic wellsten attire made for both combat and utility It could be improved but this works for now.

I need to see if I can get myself a sort of offensive tool similar to Aizawa's scarf

I know my skillset revolves around imitation but in terms of technology, I'm sure I can find something that fits me and my style.

I walked to where I was told to

based on the type of agency I'm assuming the majority of people here have a water type ability.

I entered a large room. The huge metal garage door to the right was noticed by me instantly. The roof was high, I saw what I assumed to be sidekicks setting everything up some were fitting truck tires, organizing tools logging on paper only god knows what.

I awkwardly stood not knowing what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing.

A man approached me I'm assuming a sidekick"You're the new kid interning with us John right?"

He had a basic hero outfit nothing too flashy.

He started talking "How's your first impression right now we're just setting up"

"The job of a hero isn't exclusively action especially for people who focus on rescue"

This setting is foreign to someone like me as much as I'm not used to a setting of heroes it's not like I can get past this by ignoring everyone I wish I could.

Giving a half true statement "I guess I'll be the first to say this type of environment is not familiar to me but out of curiosity does everyone here have a water-based ability?"

"Well I wouldn't say, everyone"

"I myself don't exactly have a water quirk"

"You see my quirk allows me to isolate oxygen from fire and release it back into the air"

In simple terms his ability lets him drop the intensity of fires

"So yeah majority of people here do have water quirks but there's many ways of dealing with fires and other emergency situations"

His ability could be useful against someone like todoroki but I have no way of knowing his limitations besides it's not like I plan on fighting anyone unless they do something to piss me off.

He hasn't asked me about my ability and he already knows my name so that means he also probably knows what my ability is after all I did participate in the festival which I won.

After everyone was done a group of people formed
the door opened and the hero with a water hose for hands and with an outfit resembling a firefighter walked in the sound of him walking was hered by everyone

"Alright everyone prepares for a regular day of work and patrol"

The pro shifted his view from addressing everyone to putting emphasis on me
"Some of you may know we have an intern from UA joining us, John you will be working with us closely you will witness first hand why the people put their faith in us"

"Always remember public safety comes first"

When I first arrived to this world I got sent to a police station for crushing a bunch of assholes the idea was so strange to me and all this about a hero society it's the exact opposite of my world. I guess this is what people call culture shock.

I'm still not used to abilities being regulated.

"in a scenario where you are directly responsible for a person's life you still need to be careful you could end up indirectly killing somebody, but still refrain from using your quirk in public unless told to by the right person"


Aizawa's POV

The main office occupied Nezu and the homeroom teacher of 1-a

"Each student in class needs further discipline for their growth, I've monitored everything from their quirks grades and internal affairs I believe this is the best way of pushing them we'll pit students against opponents they'll struggle against. With the faculty as their opponents"

The small principal responded "Your proposal is definitely an interesting one I agree the robot test doesn't really push students"

Aizawa now changing the topic "Concurring John, despite being a student he's still a complete mystery to us he has no registered identity well not until you helped him register one"

"If the press found out about any of this they wouldn't leave us alone"

"Now this is just a hunch but the way John acts it leaves the impression that he's hiding something"



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Ability:Aura Manipulation (base)

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