11:Declareations Of War

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John's POV

2 weeks until the sports festival that's what we were told. Normally I would spend my preparation time on physically training myself but right now I know something that will help me achieve power faster without having to reveal what I can do and that is studying other people's abilities it's not like I can just copy power and instantly be better no I need to know what I'm doing

At first, I was hesitant to do any of this, I did the same in new Bostin but the category of powers in this world is a lot more vast then in my old world copying emitter powers are no problem but transformation and mutant are the real tricky ones If I want to have an edge with my "aura manipulation" I have to learn and try everything again just like before.

So I did exactly that

Quirk related books

Watching and analyzing Professional tournaments/along with previous UA sports festivals

Online research.

I would also go out in public with my ability active searching for mutant powers to copy before returning back to UA to see how well I could copy and use their powers once again it was trial and error I really did try everything even amping the copied mutant powers.

However, during my training and research, the thought appeared to me
My aura manipulation only lets me manipulate my own aura but the more I stay here the more I realize.

The abilities of this world don't revolve around aura at all.

I'm not entirely sure but I don't think I'm sampling aura from people as I did in my old world.

During my research apparently, people with quirks have a "quirk factor" that might be connected to why I can still copy without having to specifically sample aura.

Anyways after I got used to using mutant powers I decided to take the last two days off.

Time skip (morning of the UA festival)

I felt extremely exhausted waking up

of course, today was supposed to be an important day but the thing that woke me up was another nightmare.

When entering wellsten I decided to pretend to be a cripple because I knew that if I had power over anyone absolutely "Anyone" I would abuse it and be corrupted by it again.


In truth, I don't feel bad at all for what I did to clarie or anyone in new bostin they had it coming especially clarie who was never my friend to begin with. But the point still stands I beat up the ones I used to call friends I'm not sure if maybe I do regret it I'm not sure.

It's the feeling of betrayal that I hate I want genuine friendships where power isn't a factor but with each day that's starting to seem more and more impossible at this point I gave up.

As for my new classmates, I don't trust them not at all they did seem competent in the villain attack so like everyone else I won't underestimate them just in case I have to fight any of them.

It's truly is a troublesome habit even now all I do is read and analyze my new classmates In the event that I have to fight them as well

Anything about them as a fighter




Fighting style


Before I leave I notice my phone on the table next to my bed with a glance right before leaving for class.

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