Chapter 13

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I woke up from my sleep to three distinct knocks on the door. The door of the room being pulled by the same black American male doctor I met yesterday. The doctor greeted daddy when he entered the room. "Good morning, Mr Standeford."

"It's already morning?" I said under my breath while gently rubbing my eyes. I looked around the room and found myself lying on the couch. I sighed, getting off the couch and stretched with a yawn.

I took a quick glance at daddy while the doctor was checking his chest by using the stethoscope. I took my toiletries and a pink purple flannel with a pair of skinny jeans before headed to the bathroom for a quick bath.

I walked past them and greeted, "Good morning, doctor." He just smiled and nodded at me.

After a quick bath, I got dressed and put some light make up on my face. While fixing my curls hair, I heard the faint sound of a phone ringing from the other side of the room.

"Your phone is ringing sweetie!" Daddy shrieked and I quickly unlocked the door of the bathroom and ran to grabbed the phone from the coffee table next to the couch.

I glanced at the caller ID and frowned when I saw the unknown number. "Hello?" I sounded scared and curious at the same time.

"Hello. May I speak to Miss Standeford?" The woman asked.

"Yes, who is this?"

"I'm calling from Los Angeles Hospital. Miss Standeford, we need you to come to the hospital and sign a few papers."

"Alright, okay. I'll come in five minutes." I hung up the phone.

"Who was it, sweetie?" Daddy asked, concern in his voice.

I turned around to face him. "It was from the hospital asking me to sign a few papers." I reassured. I approached him and sat on the bed with a deep sigh. My eyes dropped at his body as I gently touched his chest and asked, "what did the doctor say?"

He patted my shoulder lightly before opening his mouth, "He said that I can go back anytime soon."

My eyes widened as I turned my head to him. "Really?" I squealed excitedly. Daddy giggled with a happy gleam in his crystal eyes. I hugged him tight, resting my head on his chest and blurted out, "I wish that Jake was here right now."

Daddy sighed deeply at the thought. I knew he felt the same way as I do. I slowly loosen my grip and pulled away. "I better go now." I sighed and rolled my eyes as I stood up. I forced a weak smile before walking out of the room.

I purposely slowed down my pace so that I could bumped into James. Sadly, there was no sign of him. After signing the papers and paid for the medical bills, I asked the receptionist for James. "Where can I find doctor James?"

"Doctor James?" She curled her brows in confusion. "Oh, he works at the Surgery Department." She stated. I felt a spontaneous smile ripple through my whole body.

Before I opened my mouth to asked for direction, she added, "But, he's in the operation room right now."

Nodding my head, I responded. "Oh I see. Thank you." I turned my back and walked away. Well no luck today, maybe some other time.

I thought about last night as I continued to walk back to the private patient's wing. I felt so relieved after telling James about my problem. He seemed like such a nice, intelligent, outgoing and friendly person. We could be good friend. I grinned, remembering that night myself.

As I slowly approached the door of Daddy's room, my chain of thought broke as I heard a distinct female voice from the other side of the room.

"A woman?" I thought to myself.

I pressed my ear against the door, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Am I hearing you right?"The woman hissed evilly. "Divorce?" She laughed evilly.

"Yes. I want a divorce." A shaky voice answered. The voice sounded like daddy. I assumed that daddy was having a conversation with Jenny. Part of me felt happy with his declaration. I've been waiting for this moment for all my life.

"I'm sure you don't want to hurt her feeling right?" She uttered. Who was she referring to? Was it me?

"I won't let you hurt my baby girl, Jenny." Daddy raised his voice a bit louder. "I will protect her no matter what happen."

I heard the familiar sound of Jenny's heels stepping on the marble floor. "Maybe it's the right time to tell her the truth, honey." What was she talking about? Telling the truth? What were they hiding from me?

"Get you hand off me! I've had enough of your bullshit woman." Daddy said furiously and I heard the sound of papers being scattered on the floor. He continued, "Take a look at yourself, Jenny."

"So you're spying on me now?" Jenny inquired. "Actually I'm glad you know about us."

"You know what, I've had enough of pretending. We shouldn't get married in the first place." Daddy muttered, sounding pissed and full of regret at the same time.

Jenny said, "You shouldn't che-"

I was startled when someone patted on my shoulder. "Amanda." Came a voice behind me. I turned around, surprised to find James was standing so close to me.

"You startled me twice. Twice, you know!" I squealed in disbelief, patting my chest.

James rubbed the back of his neck and grinned a bit. "Sorry, it is not my intention to startle you. So-" He paused. "Why are you standing outside of your dad room?" I was thinking of an excuse.

"Er-, what are you doing at the private patient's wing?" I asked him instead of answering his question.

James put both of his hands in his coat pocket. "I heard that your dad can go back home soon." He assured.

"Yes." I reassured. "So you come here to say goodbye?" I asked curiously.

"I guess, I am." He shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly and put a weak smile on his face. "Actually-" He said, crunching his nose. He rolled his eyes and put his hand on my shoulder. "I want to hangout with you in the future."

I threw my hands in the air in exasperation. "Yeah, sure! Anytime." I replied in an exasperated voice. I noticed that when I smile, my teeth barely show.

James tapped my shoulder twice, "hey, you haven't answer my question. Why are you standing here?" He crossed his arms around his chest.

Before I could opened my mouth to answer, Jenny appeared out of Daddy's door. James and I turned around and our eyes were staring directly into Jenny's own.

"Hi." James displayed a genuine smile at Jenny before she walked away.

I walked into the room and sat on daddy's bed. "Dad, you do still remember doctor James right? He is here to say goodbye." I explained.

Daddy just nodded and smiled at James. "I'm gonna leave you both and start packing up everything." I remark.

While packing up daddy's stuffs, I found a photo under the sofa. I bent down and took the photo. It was a photo of Jenny with some random guy. "Who is this man?" I said under my breath.

Then my thought came back to me again. Their conversation, though not very clear to me, made me curious to know about them. I've had a lot of questions in my mind. I will find a way to revealed their little secret. But first, I wanted to concentrated on my final examination and became a degree holder.

* * *

Author's Note

I reveal some secrets in this chapter and I hope you like the truth.

Which character do you want to know more in the next chapter?


Mr Standeford?




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