Chapter 9

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I was in a deep sleep with my face on my pillow when I heard the notification sounds of my phone. It kept buzzing non-stop and it makes me feel annoyed. I was so lazy to woke up and turned off the notification sounds. I tried to ignore it by closing my eyes tightly.

"Urgh!" I whined as I took my pillow and closed both of my ears with the pillow. I guessed anyone would feel annoyed when someone or something disturbed them on their sleeping time. What a stupid whatsapp, no, what a stupid sender. Hmm that's sounds better.

I tried to sleep again but I couldn't because I felt curious with the notifications. Who would sent notifications to me early in the morning? I couldn't stop thinking about it and my brain kept guessing the owner of the notifications. Who would it be? It could be anyone.

"That guy!"I muttered bluntly as I opened my eyes widely. His face and the incident was so vivid in my mind and it kept rewinding repeatedly.

I quickly shoved the pillow away and grabbed my phone from the nightstand which was at the left side of my bed. My heart was beating fast and it felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I unlocked my phone and it showed 10 o'clock in the morning. Okay maybe it was not too early, whatever. I clicked the whatsapp icon and one of my contact's name appeared on the top of the screen.

I closed my eyes and opened them slowly. When I looked at the name, trust me, you won't believe it. "Damn you Claire!" I murmured and smirked a little bit at the notifications. What's wrong with this young lady? Why can't she leave me alone? She better had a good explanation about this.

There were 5 damn notifications with her damn name on the screen.

"Amandaaaaaaa wake up!!!!!!"

"Wake up you lazy ass!!!!!!"

"So is there any news about that cute guy aka my boyfriend to be?"

"Come on answer me!!!!!!"

"You better wake up now before I come to your house and wake you up with my ass!!!!!!"

I burst out laughing when I read her words. What was she thinking? She had been so excited to met that mystery guy but first, I need to answered her questions before anything bad happened to me. I won't allowed any ass on my face.

"Wow slow down babe."

"Don't you have your own life?"

"Keep bugging people on their weekend haha"

Within five seconds,there's a new notification from Claire. Wow, that was quite fast!

"Own life?! You got to understand that he might be my future bæ."

"Come on, is there any news?"

"Bæ?" I muttered and frowned my eyebrows although she couldn't see my face right now. She had fallen in love with that mystery guy too fast. Like seriously?! We just met him once and we had no idea whether he will contact me or not. There was so many questions running through my mind right now.

"Hell no! I think Laura likes him too!"

I grinned softly at my words. I purposely teased Claire because I wanted to see her reactions. Laura didn't like him at all and for your records, she just broke up with her boyfriend last month and she was still looking for a rebound.

"WHAT?!!!!!! Since when?!!!!! I didn't know that!!!!

I smirked evilly as I read her words.

"Nahhh just kidding haha"

"Nope there's no news about him."

"Sorry babe."

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