Chapter 2

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It was like a faint memory, an infamous party a million years ago. Anthony standing smoking a cigarette outside the house, listening to my boy drama. I cringed at the thought of my teen years. 

He looked different. His hair was longer, his jaw more defined. Taller, bigger, and his eyes looked sadder.

Maybe mine did too.

"You're still smoking." I pointed out.

"You're still annoying." He dropped his cigarette and put it out. 

"It was nice seeing you," I rolled my eyes, the initial shock had wore off and I remembered how late it was, I needed to get home. I started walking towards my building.

"What are you doing out so late?" He asked and began walking with me.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Not the safest place in the world to be out at this time." 

"No it's not, lots of stalkers." 

He laughed but stopped prying which I appreciated. I couldn't help but feel weary at the presence of this old stranger popping up out of nowhere. We walked in silence the rest of the way. 

"I'm almost at my building," I stopped and turned to this stranger from a past life.

"It was nice catching up." He pulled out another cigarette and turned around to light it. He waved once I got inside and I walked up to my apartment. 

"Hey roomie," Anita said when I walked in. She was covered in a blanket, eating ramen, watching love island, and writing a paper at the same time. The best multitasker I knew. 

"Hey," I smiled. Anita said she was more inclined to stay up late because that's when her creative juices flowed best, but I think it's because she drinks Persian tea like its water and doesn't listen to me when I tell her there's caffeine in there.

"It's herbal, and natural."  She always argues. 

"How was your night?" 

"Successful." I grinned and pulled my cash out of my bra. I walked to the bathroom to take a long hot shower before sleeping.

"Ugh, I wish I could do what you do. My parents would kill me. I envy your freedom lady." She shouted as I disappeared into the hall. 

My freedom. I couldn't help but smile at that. How my life had changed in the past 6 years. I never thought someone could envy my freedom.

*The next morning*

I woke up an hour earlier than usual, I don't know why, I just felt excited for the day. 

"She lives!" Bernice exclaimed when she saw me, her and Anita were watching love island on the couch.

"Good morning," I grinned, "Still watching this garbage?" 

"What?" Bernice whipped her head around to look at Anita, staring back eyes wide with guilt, "You watched last night without me?" 

"No no, I was re-watching yesterdays." She placated Bernie and threw me a glare.

"I knew we were further ahead than I thought, you are such an asshole." Bernice got off the couch and marched to the kitchen where she started angrily opening and closing pantries. She liked to bake when she was mad, not a bad thing honestly. 

"Can you go back to sleep?" Anita snapped at me.

I couldn't help but laugh. Living with girls was so different than what I was used to. I remember the transition in the beginning was tough. They never told me if  I did something that made them mad, so I just went along thinking everything was okay. Until they realized they had to teach me the art of passive aggression. 

Something I never experienced. Brothers were more active aggression. Girls were less violent, more psychological torment. 

"I'm gonna grab coffee and head to work." 

Now that I had extra time I took extra care with my make up, fixed my hair, put in my curl cream and diffused. 

I put my work uniform in my bag and headed out. I stopped and got a bagel and some coffee and walked to work. 

My shift passed by in a flash, I was exhausted. Saturday nights were the most successful but most tiring. It was 4AM by the time I got out. I was so happy to be able to just relax on Sunday and sleep in. 

Feeling how tired I was made me forget any reason I so excitedly woke up this morning. I passed by the bar from yesterday and felt myself wake up a little.

Was I excited to see Anthony? Was that what all this was about? I shook my head in disappointment with myself. I lost an hour of sleep for a guy I hadn't seen in 6 years. 

I walked past the bar more hurriedly this time, on the off chance he was here again I didn't want him following me home a second time. 

"Hey!" I heard his voice shout.

I didn't turn around and kept walking.

"You're out again?" He said out of breath from catching up to me.

"You're following me again."

"You just look lonely on these walks."

"I've been taking them for a few years, I enjoy my alone time." 

"So you've lived here for a while?"

"I go to school here."

"Wow, who would have thought you would leave home." 

"Weren't you gonna move here with your girlfriend?" I threw out. I wanted to divert the attention back to him but I was also curious. 

"Ouch. Yes. That didn't work out, but I liked the city so I stayed. What about your boyfriend?"

"That I had when I was 16?" I snorted, "Long gone, somewhere in Europe I think." Last I saw on Instagram he was playing in music festivals in Sweden with his model girlfriend and band. 

"Noted, okay, so you're in school now?" 

"I'm graduating soon."

"Congratulations." he said seemingly genuinely. It was weird having such an adult conversation with someone I knew from so long ago. 

"Thank you," I smiled, I was proud of myself. 

"What about your brothers? How did that work out, you living so far from home." 


I went quiet and felt myself retreating into my thoughts. I missed my mom.

Maybe if I stayed silent he would leave me alone, my fingers played with my pepper spray can. My mind wandered to the possibilities of pressing the tab. He was after all, a stranger of sorts. 

His face fell when he realized the mood had changed from joking to serious. I turned my gaze straight ahead as we reached my building.

"Good night." I interrupted him and walked quickly towards the entrance. I turned around just before entering to see him in the distance, watching me with curious eyes. 

So now we know who he is!! If you forgot, go back to book two, chapter 14ish-16 is where Anthony was introduced. 

This chapter was setting the scene, introducing some characters, next chapters will get a little more juicy. 

Hope you enjoyed it, see you next friday!

Love <3


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