Chapter 14

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Happy reading :)

Photo of Anthony :)))))

I blinked.

The blue eyes blinked back.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed and opened my window.

"You called me." He whispered back.

"Like an hour ago, did you teleport?"

"I was uh already in t-town," He stuttered.

My eyes narrowed.

"Doing what?" I demanded.

"Visiting family."

"You said you never wanted to come back here." I crossed my arms.

"Can I come in? I'm two seconds from breaking my neck here."

I leaned out the window and saw he had climbed the rusty ladder that was always here. I thought for a minute. I was angry at him, but seeing his face made me feel warm and fuzzy again and curiosity got the best of me. Why was he here?

"Oh my brothers are gonna kill me."  I stepped back and let him come in.

"They're awake at this time?"

"They were picking me up from the bar." I smiled sheepishly.

"You sure you didn't bring the bar with you?" He said and waved his hand like he could smell the liquor on my breath, which in all honesty he probably could.

"What are you doing here Anthony?" I asked again, seriously.

"Why did you block me?" he asked, peering at me with his mesmerizing dark eyes.

"I- um, I-" I gulped. Suddenly I forgot why I blocked him. I was either still drunk or his overwhelming presence was making me delusional.

"Are you drunk Lydia?" A small smile played on his lips, and he brushed a hair from my face to behind my ear. My heart beat faster.

"No." I breathed.

"Why did you block me?" He asked again slowly.

I heard a noise from the hallway and immediately snapped out of the trance I was in. I rushed and threw my body against the door. Silently cursing myself for not installing a lock when I had a chance.

There were no more noises, leading me to believe it was just the floors settling. I walked back to Anthony who was watching me carefully. I remembered exactly why I blocked him.

"I blocked you  because you're just another one of Felix's spies!" I hissed.


He looked shocked but I couldn't tell in the dark if he was being genuine.

"You heard me." I tried to keep my voice down but It was hard.

"Lydia what are you talking about."

"Nothing in my life is real, everything and everyone is just a fuckin part of Felix's game to control me. I can't believe I actually liked you."

"Lydia, think for a second please with your sober brain, I saw your brother, he didn't know me."

"You're a couple of good actors." 

"You think I was spying on  you for him?"

"It wouldn't be the first time he paid someone to keep an eye on me."

"Did he tell you I was just spying on you for him?" He asked, running his hands through is hair in frustration.


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