Chapter 17

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I bounded down the stairs two at a time to catch up with my blood thirsty brothers. I said a silent prayer of thanks that my parents, Felix and Greg were not home to add to the chaos.

"Anthony, nice to meet you." Anthony shook hands with Leo at the front door.

He was wearing a black button up with black jeans, hair slicked back in a new way I hadn't seen it before. I nearly drooled.  

"I know you." Marcus remarked, snapping me out of my trance. 

"What's up man." Anthony came forward and stuck his hand out to Marcus, who to my surprise shook it.

He stuck his hand out to Melvin, who just stared at his hand unmoving.

Joey jumped in and pushed Melvin to the side shaking Anthony's hand.

"Joey, nice to meet you," My favorite brother said smiling at Anthony. 

"I brought these for your mother," Anthony held a bouquet of flowers in his hand. 

"How thoughtful of you." I smiled and took the bouquet, kissing him on the cheek. .

"Your bouquet is in the car." He said into my ear as I pulled back and I couldn't help the smile that lit up my face. 

"Nothing for me?" Melvin asked. The first words he said to Anthony.

I elbowed him roughly and he yanked on one of my curls. 

"Ouch!" I smacked him hard on the Arm. He twisted my arm behind my back and-

"Cut it out." Leo smacked Melvin in the back of my head and he released me.

"This is the brother that gave you this?" Anthony asked, pointing to my lip. My hand shot up to my mouth like it did anytime someone brought it up.

"How could you tell?" I faked a smile and shot Melvin a poisonous glare. 

"Just a guess."

"Time to go," I handed the bouquet to Leo and tried to drag Anthony out the door, but he didn't budge.

"I'm not scared Lydia," he said under his breath, but stared into my eyes firmly.

I am. 

I wanted to say, but I kept my mouth shut. I had to trust him. I didn't need to control the situation, I was an adult. Adults bring boyfriends home all the time. Marcus did it when we were in high school. 

Not your boyfriend Lyd. 

The little voice in my head reminded me. 

"Would you like to come in? I'm making dinner." Leo offered. 

"We're about to get dinner now, but thank you." 

"Please we've been eating bird seed and kale for a week I need to eat out," I begged.

"Heart healthy food right?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, for our dad." Joe said, not knowing I had been using Anthony as an emotional support animal so he knew everything already.

"That's great that you guys are accommodating him. I'm sure it's a hard adjustment for everyone." Anthony sounded too mature. 

"You don't need to kiss their asses," I said quietly and rolled my eyes. 

"Kiss ass." Melvin said. 

"We are going to be late," I tried to drag him out again and this time he let's me. Waving at my brothers.

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