Chapter- Exciting news

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Hi everyone!

I am super excited to announce that the first Life of a Little sister book has been published on Amazon!!!!!

Here's the link-Life of a Little Sister: Book One

It is free through Kindle Unlimited, or you can purchase a regular Kindle e-book or paperback.

If you're interested in a better, less cringe, fewer typos, and fully edited cleaner looking version of this story, consider purchasing through this link. (book 2 and 3 are incoming by the end of April and summer)

Of course, the free version will always remain on Wattpad, but if you can afford it, and you would like to support my (hopeful lol) writing career, feel free to purchase it :)

If you leave a review I'll blow you a mental kiss 😘 or you can message me on here with your thoughts and I'll respond <3 <3

As always, you guys are my favorite humans. Thank you for loving the Tonelli's as much as I do, and sticking around.

Happy Reading Loals fam 🥹

With so much love, Anna <3

PPPs new update of this book coming hopefully this week lol, I love you guys.

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