Chapter 27

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I was still on all fours.

I sat back on my feet and looked up at him, cocking my head.

He stiffened and his eyes blazed with something that seemed less like anger and more like —

"You're going to get sick, get off the floor." He reached for me but I pulled away.

"You ssound like a granmother."

"I feel like one. You've been out this entire time?" He rasped. His voice sounded delicious.

"Yes." I looked up and batted my lashes lazily, wanting to illicit another reaction.

"How drunk are you?"

"Quite. *hic*."

"Up you go, come on." He grabbed my left arm and pulled.

"Not that one!" I hissed and his eyes went wide.

"Let me see." He hauled me up by the other arm and gripped my left in his hands, examining the tattoo with a furrowed brow.

His hands shook as he traced a line around the tattoo cover, my arm burned where he held me.

"Do you like *hic* it?" I carefully watched his reaction. He didn't meet my eyes.

"I'm going to bed," he said. He locked the front door and stalked to his room, leaving me gaping after him.


"Have you seen a girl, curly hair, white dress, 6 giant brothers?"

"No man, we're closing up."

"Thank you."

Four. In the entire god forsaken city of New York there were four tattoo shops open.

I had come to the conclusion that she could even be at one of the closed tattoo shops, paying the owner off to tattoo her and her drunk brothers.

"Have you seen—"

"Just left."

"Curly hair—"

"Drunk, annoying family, loud, yes they just got into a couple of taxis and left."


I jumped into a taxi and made my way home. The bar was closed tonight because of the graduation party, and I was grateful I didn't have to do the walk of shame past Raul tonight.

My phone buzzed, speak of the devil.


"Did you find her?"

"She's on her way home."

"Who would have thought."

"Shut up."

"So are you gonna confess your lo—"

I hung up the phone and made my way upstairs.

I should go to bed and pretend like I've been sleeping for the past few hours, not worrying about where she's been or if she got a damn tattoo.

I should go to bed so I don't explode at the fact that I've been all over the city like a psychopath looking for her.

I should go to bed. But I don't.

I stand in the living room, seething, waiting for her to stumble in.


My feet are walking towards his room before my brain catches up. What am I doing?

He's in bed, under the covers, staring at the ceiling.

Before I can stop myself I lay down next to him and stare at his profile.

He's not wearing a shirt, and his usually tamed hair is messy, as if he'd been dragging his fingers through it.

I wanted to drag my fingers through it.

Fuck I was too drunk.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask.

He takes a shuddering breath.



It feels like he's mad at me.

"I'm drunk, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, it's your graduation night, I wouldn't expect anything different."

"Then why does it feel like you're mad?"

He turned to face me.

"I was just worried that's all," he gulped, as if he had more to say but swallowed it.

"I was with my brothers," I laughed softly.

"I know," he forced a smile.

"Thank you for today," I said after a moment.

"Of course."

"Really, everything was amazing. I couldn't imagine graduating without my family there with me. I can't imagine how hard it must have been wrangling all of them."

"Rosa is gonna be my mortal enemy for the next five years at least," he grinned genuinely this time.

"Not Rosa!" I laughed.

"She called me a punk like three times, I was just trying to call her a taxi."

"Oh my god," I laughed harder.

Soon we were just laughing and talking, I didn't even notice when I fell asleep.


She's asleep. In my bed.

This is the second time we've been asleep in the same room and it's like her body is a magnet.

"Are you mad at me?" she had asked. I wanted to scream Yes! But I swallowed it because she didn't need to hear that now.

I would not ruin her grad night by telling her what a psycho I was, how I went to every open tattoo shop, how I couldn't breathe until she was home and safe.

I would not tell her it is irresponsible to get a tattoo from a shop you haven't researched, how she shouldn't have gotten that drunk, how coming home this late was stupid because we had her parents' dinner tonight.

And most of all I wouldn't tell her how badly I wanted to kiss her. How when she was staring at me with her insanely seductive eyes from the goddamn floor, all I wanted to do was put my hand through her hair and keep her eyes on me forever.

She shivered in her sleep and I sighed, fuck it.

I threw my blanket over her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me.

This was tremendously fucked up, but I would deal with HR (Raul) in the morning.

This was superrrrr short but I just wanted to get something out!!! I hope you enjoyed the little taste. I am on vacation for the next week so the next update will be in hopefully 10 days.

Book 2 is now officially on Amazon!!  It's free with kindle unlimited. As always it will stay on Wattpad. But the book is edited wayyyyyyyyyyyy better, and it's funnier In my humble opinion LOL. Leave a review if you get a chance !
Here's the link -

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