Chapter 18

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"Lydia?" Damon sounded shocked to see me.

I did too as the tiramisu powder went up my nose.

"Damon hi." I said after collecting myself. I glanced at Anthony and he was staring only at me, not at damon or the hot tall blonde that was blinding me with her veneers.

He was staring to gauge my reaction, I had been around him enough to know when he was observing me. His eyes were too expressive to be discreet about his intentions.

I shook off the nerves and stood up, hugging Damon in an awkward half hug. I turned to the girl I knew had to be his hot model girlfriend and shook her hand warmly.

Anthony got up and shook Damon's hand firmly, waving at the girl. I smiled to myself, couldn't help but be pleased.

"Anthony," he said, seeming perfectly calm and collected, the opposite of what I was feeling.

I hadn't seen Damon since I was sixteen years old. We kept in touch for a while and drifted naturally. But seeing him now made me feel panicky, not in an 'I still love you' way. It was more of a, 'I thought I would never see you again' way.

Anthony slipped his arm around my waist, sensing my unease and the nervousness dissipated into hazy thoughts of us spooning on the couch and our bodies pressed against-

"Damon," Damon was looking Anthony up and down, staring at Anthony's hand gripping my waist. I couldn't help but smile. What a great night to see my ex boyfriend.

I look hot, Anthony looks insanely hot, and we're both at a fancy restaurant.

"Lydia, nice to meet you," I smiled at his girlfriend, starting to feel a little more confident in myself.

"This is my girlfriend, Hannah, Hannah, this is my old girlfriend." Damon introduced us and I nearly choked again.

"Hannah," She smiled back.

"I didn't know you were back here," I said, trying to change the subject.

"I was on tour, but they cut it short so I came home for a bit. I thought I'd show Hannah where I'm from."

"How do you like our town?" Anthony asked.

"It's much warmer than where I'm from."

"What are you doing here? Last I remember you were in school in New York. Did you drop out?" Damon joked.

"Very funny," I rolled my eyes but remember how anti school I was when we were dating, it wouldn't be too bold of an assumption, "I'm graduating this year, I still live in New York."

"Really, what are you doing back here then?"

"My dad wasn't doing to well so I came home for a bit." I mimicked his nonchalant tone, even though I knew my dad having a heart attack was not nonchalant.

"Oh god Lydia, I'm sorry, is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's gonna be fine." I said quickly not wanting to get into it, "He's on the mend."

"Well tell your parents I said hello and I wish your dad a speedy recovery. He was nice to me that one time I came over." He winked and I wanted to cover my face. How was I expected to keep a straight face when he was trying to bring up our relationship left and right. In front of our dates of all people.

"We'll tell him tonight," Anthony said, reminding us both he was here. I tried to hold in my laugh and Anthony squeezed my waist.

"So New York that's great. I'm there in the fall for a show, we should catch up," He flashed a smile, also blindingly white, "You live there too?" He turned and asked Anthony.

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