Chapter 26

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I had been asking Lydia for weeks to share her location with me. Just as friends of course.

It was just something super friendly friends did when they cared about each other in a friendly way.  Did I mention we were friends? Hearing Lydia talk about her fear of being trapped broke my heart.

I would never put her in a position like that, I refused. I never wanted her to feel forced to do anything or feel obligated to be with me to keep a roof over her head. The thought of it made me sick.

No matter how badly I wanted to be with her I wouldn't jeopardize her security for anything. Not for my own selfish reasons.

I would be her safety, from a distance. I knew how much she recoiled from smothering, so I had done my best to leave her alone.

It was driving me crazy. I took the girl out on a date and now I had to pretend like I didn't want her ridiculously long nails raking down my back while I buried my face in her—

ttuau time :}

I could read drunk girl texts fluently. She was getting a tattoo. It was three in the morning, and they were probably belligerent right now. What tattoo shop could possibly be open and accepting drunk clients right now?

"Raul, do you have Lydia's location?"

"Why in the almighty fuck are you calling me at three in the goddamn morning?"

"Do you have Lydia's location?"

"No you fucking psychopath I don't have her location."

"She's not home yet."

"I told you moving in wasn't a good idea."

"It's three in the morning and she's still out, she hasn't been out this late in months."

"I told you, you're blurring the lines between friendship and relationship, but did you listen?"

"She might not remember that she has to be alert at this hour."

"I said, 'Anthony, you're a ball of anxiety and love, you're not going to be able to watch this girl live her life without you intervening, and it'll only get worse when she lives with you'."

"Stop changing the subject, Raul."

"You woke me up, you don't get to make demands."

"She's with her brothers right now getting a tattoo."

"Tattoos are hot."

"Sure, but that's not the point."

"I forget when I became your therapist."

"What if something happens to her."

"She's with six of the hugest fucking guy's I've ever seen, nothing's going to happen to her."

"What if they're too drunk to notice she's getting tattooed with a rusty needle."

"She's not getting tattooed with a rusty needle."

"What if she is?"

"I don't know Anthony why don't you just look up all of the tattoo parlors open at this hour within a ten-mile radius and visit every single one."

I jumped up and grabbed my coat.

"What's that rustling noise, did you just grab your coat? Anthony don't leave the house."

"I think I have to."

"No, no, I was being sarcastic. Do not go out to find her."

"Raul, you know I can never tell when you're being sarcastic."

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