Chapter 12

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Shinobu informed Tanjiro of his new mission and that he also has to take his sister with him to the swordsmith village.

Tanjiro: Shinobu-sama where exactly is the swordsmith village?

Shinobu: Ah you won't find it on your own, a kakushi will take you there with all of your senses covered and blocked as the location of the swordsmith village has to be kept a secret at all times which is why only the hashira's know about it's location.

Tanjiro: That makes sense. So when will we leave?

Shinobu: We will leave in a couple of hour's you might wanna say your good bye's to you Zenitsu and Inosuke as you won't see them for a couple of day's potentially even week's.

Tanjiro: Then I will go say my good bye's to them now.

Tanjiro went to look for his friends, when he finally found them he saw them acting dumb again like always.

 Tanjiro: Zenitsu and Inosuke ill be gone for a while.

Zenitsu: Okay Tanjiro I will make sure to take care of Nezuko-chaaaaaan.

Tanjiro: That won't be needed as I am taking her with me.

Zenitsu: What you can't just take my future wife away from me.

Tanjiro in a semi angry voice: Mind repeating what you just said.

Zenitsu got scared.

Zenitsu in a scared voice: Nevermind Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Good. Inosuke I will be gone for a while.

Inosuke: Fight me Compachiro.

Tanjiro: No and besides I have to go.

After a couple of hour's went by Tanjiro met up at the place the Kakushi was waiting for him.

Tanjiro: Sorry for having you wait for me miss.

????: It's alright. 

Tanjiro: Miss what is your name so we can have a easier conversation while we are going to the swordsmith village.

????: Ah my name is Tagawa Miyako.

Tanjiro: Arigato Tagawa-san.

Miyako: And what is your name?

Tanjiro: My name is Kamado Tanjiro.

Miyako: Well then Kamado-san I will have to block your vision, hearing, smell and sense of touch.

Tanjiro: Okay Tagawa-san.

After Miyako blocked Tanjiro's senses they started traveling towards the swordsmith village.

Tanjiro: Tagawa-san how long have you been working as a kakushi?

Miyako: I have been working as a Kakushi for 4 year's now. How about you how long have you been a demon slayer for?

Tanjiro: Only a couple of month's.

After a while they finally arrived at the swordsmith village Shinobu, Mitsuri and Muichiro where waiting for Tanjiro and his little sister to arrive so they could start talking about their shift's and other other things.

Miyako: Kamado-san we have arrived at the swordsmith village.

Tanjiro: Arigato Tagawa-san.

After Miyako removed everything that was blocking Tanjiro's senses she said her farewell's and left.

Tanjiro: (Tagawa was such a nice and friendly person.)

Shinobu: Ah Tanjiro-kun you have arrived how was the trip?

Tanjiro: It was pretty good and I think I made a new friend along the way.

Shinobu: That's wonderful Tanjiro-kun.

Mitsuri: Let's find a place to stay at during our stay here for the next couple of day's or week's am sure they will have something for us right Shinobu-chan?

Shinobu: Am sure they have something for us.

That's it for chapter 12 am sorry if these chapter's are too short but am trying to not rush this arc as part's of this arc will be crucial to future event's and character development. Like alway's if you find any spelling mistake's please let me know. For those wondering where I got the name Tagawa Miyako I got it from a name generator called Reedsy (link: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel free to leave comment's behind at the part's that where your favourite.

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