Chapter 17

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We go back to Giyu who just arrived at his master's house. Giyu knocked on Urokodaki's front door .

Urokodaki: That must be Giyu.

Urokodaki walked to his door to open it and when he saw Giyu who embraced his like a loving father would embrace his son.

Urokodaki: It's good to see you Giyu.

Giyu: Thank you Urokodaki-sama.

Urokodaki: Come in Giyu, I'll make some tea for us in the mean time you can go to your room to unpack.

Giyu went to his room to unpack his stuff since Giyu visits Urokodaki from time to time Urokodaki decided to give Giyu his own personal room. While Giyu was unpacking Urokodaki was preparing Giyu's favourite tea.

(Author's note if you know what Giyu's favourite tea is if he has one please let me know)

When Giyu finished unpacking his stuff he went to Urokodaki who had finished making tea for them to enjoy.

Urokodaki: Giyu I made you your favourite tea.

Giyu: Thank you Urokodaki-sama.

Urokodaki: Where there any new events that occurred?

Giyu: Well I recently got a girlfriend.

Urokodaki's eyes widened with surprise.

Urokodaki: You what!

Giyu: I recently got a girlfriend she is a fellow pillar.

Urokodaki: Giyu you have no idea how long I have been waiting for the day you where able to find someone you could love.

Giyu: You don't have to exaggerate like that.

Urokodaki: You're right am sorry for exaggerating like that but I was waiting for a day like that to happen.

Giyu: I have made two modified forms for water breathing.

Urokodaki: I see that you continue to hone your water breathing skills and even expand on them.

Giyu: Water breathing still feel weird to me, no matter how hard and how much I train my body doesn't want to get used to water breathing.

Urokodaki: So you are still having problems with fully adapting to water breathing, have you considered trying out other breathing styles to see which one might fit you better?

Giyu: As much as I would like to try out other breathing styles I don't want to be dishonourable towards your teachings.

Urokodaki: Giyu even if you do end up trying a different breathing style and find the one more suitable you will never dishonour me, when you killed all those demons during the final selection and became a hashira the moment the final selection was done it was my honour of having been given the chance by fate to teach you how to be a slayer.

Giyu: Th-thank you Urokodaki-sama.

After they talked for a few more hours they decided to make dinner and of course it was salmon daikon.

That's it for chapter 17 I hope you enjoyed this chapter and like always let me know what your favourite part was. If you find any spelling mistakes please let me know.

Giyu Tomioka. Yoriichi's successorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن