58 | 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐞

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After a long and tiring day of trying to work and nothing about where was Blaze at I headed home.

Although I didn't want to think about it, the thoughts and rumors of the firm started to crawl up in my head where was it and who was h with? I couldn't believe that my first thought was that he could be with Sarah, and that is so low even for me.

I want to everyone in this office, because every time that I left my office and I tried to make a conversation with anyone I would always ask. How was my wedding going and how was I thinking to divide and split my benefits with Blaze it seems that everyone already agreed that me and him were getting a divorce.

Don't get me wrong getting a divorce it would be short of like a dream to me, but I cannot do that. I mean I signed the papers for three years and at the end of the three years I also have some wins on my part so I am complying to my three years of marriage.

Stupidly thought of getting a divorce, crossed my mind and stick there for a long time. I know that practically knowing what I know and signing what I signed is it possible for me to get a divorce, but people have taught me so much about how will I split the stuff and who is getting the house who is getting the car who is getting the freaking stove, who is getting the bed and honestly I've already made a whole plan if we decide to get a divorce, is stupid I know but I was influenced.

I am staying with the couch and the board games and the dog...

We don't have a dog... Gosh I sound like my mom, planning the divorce whenever she gets sadder than the usual.

Jeez I need some wine and a nice meal. At least Dorothy is already making my dinner and I can have some time to relax.

After greeting the doorman and the hotel clerks, I got in the elevator trying to shake off the though of a divorce that makes no sense.

I just need a yummy dinner with a yummy wine. That thought made me smile to myself. I don't even know what Dorothy planned for today's dinner but I'm sure it's good. I trust her.

The elevator doors opened and I was greeted with a delightful smell. Oh yes, I deserve whatever Dorothy is making. I took off my coat and shoes and threw my bag to the floor.

"Hello Dorothy" I sang happily while walking to the kitchen "What are you making for din-"

I stopped in my tracks once I saw the person who was behind the kitchen isle. "-ner" i finalized dumbfounded looking at that scene

"Glad you asked. Chicken Piccata with pasta"

"Oh no... did I died? This day as been way to weird for me, is this a prank?" I asked confused and scared. I watched him smell the steam take came out of the big pan. The sleeves from his grey shirt were rolled up making it able to see a bit of his upper arm, they seemed to be stuck at his bicep whenever moved his arms it looked like the shirt couldn't handle much longer and his biceps were probably going to rip it off. His shirt was unbotuned on the top making me able to see muscular chest, and to top it all he was wearing the apron on half tight to his hip-

Oh what the hell am I talking about? What is this?

"Am I drunk?" I questioned myself

"Doesn't look like it" He spoke while slicing the garlic, which was something I could stay the whole day staring at-

I am getting distracted, way too distracted "What happened? Why are you.. making dinner?"

"I was not feeling good at work. I couldn't concentrate, couldn't get anything done so I though on going home and prepare dinner"he simply said while stirring the food with a wooden spoon

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